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Brantley, Isaac, Jonas and Rocky's new dog. It's a Great Dane. 

Meet Zeke.


Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.


Katie's Pov 

I was in the middle of cleaning up the house since I was the only one home today. After Brantley dropped off the boys to school he was driving up to Nashville to see his manger about his up coming tour. From our little town of Maysville, Georgia to Nashville Tennessee is only about 4 hours. Brantley is going to try to come home tonight, but I don't want him to be driving late at night. The boys have been in school for a whole 3 weeks and they are loving every moment of it. All 3 of the boys are doing good too. That makes me feel better. 

I was right in the middle of doing dishes when I heard Zeke barking outside. I still can't believe that I agree to have a Great Dane for a pet. When Brantley and the boys brought Zeke home I was pissed off. I was thinking they was going to go and get a puppy, but no they brought home a 2 year old Great Dane. Zeke stands on all 4 of his feet he is 35 inches tall and weights in right at 196 pounds. Let's put it like this, when he stands up on his back two feet he is just as tall as Brantley. And Brantley is 6'1. I make Zeke stay outside when Brantley and the boys are gone. I'm not cleaning up after that big of an animal. 

For the next 5 minutes all Zeke was doing was barking. I looked down at Flo and saw he needed to go potty outside. 

"Okay baby boy." I said to my baby. Flo and I walked over to the back door and I let him out. Flo ran over to Zeke and they was playing with each other. I smiled at them. I shut the door and went back to doing the dishes. So far I got the living room done, the dinning room done and all I have to do is these dishes then I'll be done in here. I'm working on the boys room next. 

I just got done with the dishes, when I Flo screeching at the door. I walked over and let him in. Flo ran into the house. I looked over at Zeke, but he was gone. I stepped outside. 

"Zeke!" I yelled for him. I walked off of the back porch and was looking around for him. 

"Zeke come here boy!" I yelled at him. I walked over to the front of the house and saw him playing with a rabbit. 

"Zeke, come here boy." I said to him. He looked over at me and ran over to me. 

"Come on you big horse get in the house." I said to him. I walked up the front door and saw it was open. Zeke ran on into the house. I remember shutting the door at 7:20 this morning after Brantley and the boys left for school and work. I looked outside and I didn't see no other cars here but my SUV. 

"Hello." I called into the house. I was standing in the living room. I looked around, but I didn't see no one. I saw Zeke and Flo laying on there blanket that the boys got for them to lay on. I walked into the kitchen to grab my cell phone but it wasn't on the island where I left it. I picked up a knife. I walked over to the hall way and saw all the doors was open but ours and the hall bathroom. I was slowly walking down the hall way when I heard Zeke and Flo barking in the living room. I walked back into the living room and saw both of the dogs looking into the kitchen. 

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