Family Time Part 2

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Brantley's Pov

I don't know how I feel asleep so fast. I just remember we was all sitting on the couch watching 'Swiss Family Robinson' when I began to get tired. I looked around the room and I looked down and saw Isaac sleeping on my chest. I looked over to the loveseat and saw Rocky sleeping with his mouth opened. I looked around the living room and i didn't see Katie no where. I moved Isaac off of me and got off of the couch. I grabbed my hat and my full flavors and walked out of the living room. I walked outside, so i can have smoke. I looked down at my cell phone and saw it was only 4 in the after noon. I don't know how long I've been sleeping, but i would like to know where Katie is.

I lite my smoke and sat down on the step. I opened up my cell phone, so i can text Kolby to see if he knows where Katie might have gone too. After I sent Kolby the text i walked back inside the house. As I walked back in I cheek on the boys and they was still sleeping really good. I'm not going to wake them up for nothing, unless i have too.

I walked into the bathroom to take a much needed piss. You know, in some way having Katie staying here with Kolby and I has been good. I mean Kolby and myself don't have to cook supper at all. She keeps the house clean all the time. She don't have too, but like she told Kolby she has no other place to go, and she can't pay me to live here, so she is going to do all the cleaning and cooking for all of us.

After I was done taking a piss I walked out of the bathroom. I walked into the kitchen to get a coke from the fridge. I sat down on the island when I heard the front door open and shut. I looked behind me and saw Katie walking back in. She didn't look happy at all. She walked into the kitchen and sat down at the kitchen table. I looked over at her.

" Is everything okay?" I asked her. Katie looked over at me.

" No." Katie said to me. She had some tears falling down her face.

" Do you want to talk about it?" I asked her. Katie put her head down and shook it. I would like to help her, but I don't know what to do. I wish Kolby was here to help her out. He would know what to do with her.

" Isaac and Rocky are still sleeping?" I said to her. Katie looked over at me.

" Okay. I'll wake them up here in a few?" Katie said to me. I looked down at my soda. I picked it up and took a drink.

" Why is he doing this?" Katie asked me. I looked over at her.

" What do you mean?" I asked her.

" Martin. He took my car and what money I had, and the police went over there and they can't do nothing about it? He told them that he owns the car and now I can't go there and get my car. Nor mu $500 that was in the car?" Katie said to me. I got up and walked over to the kitchen table and sat down next to her.

" I know this suck for you, but the boys need you to be strong?" I said to her. Katie looked at me.

" I know, but $500 is a lot of money to me. I have no money. My sons have no clothes. Have no money. Plus on top of that I have no other place to go. My mother and father don't want nothing to do with me or my kids." Katie said to me. I looked at her and I had the perfect plan.

" Get the boys up and dressed.  I have a plan." I said to her, getting up and walking into my bedroom. I shut the door and walked over to the closet. I opened it and saw my fire proof safety box I have in my room. I opened it and looked inside of it. I keep the deed to my house in here, the title of my truck, the AVT's, my four wheelers and money in here as well.

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