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Kate's Parents

Deb and Charles Hall. 

Played by 

Paul Johansson and Barbara Alyn Woods. 



Brantley's Pov 

I was sitting outside with both of the boys while poor Katie was sitting in the house with her parents. It's only been a day since Mr. and Mrs. Hall got here and poor Katie has tried to keep her distance from her father. Not so much of her mother, but as for her father yes. It's a good thing Kolby and Mona chancel there date and we all helped Kolby move into Carter's apartment already. I have a funny feeling that Mr. and Mrs. Hall will be staying here for a while. As long as Kate don't need me to kick them out of if they are being rude to her, or one of the boys I don't mind at all. 

I was watching Isaac and Rocky play with the water hose when I heard the front door open up. I looked and saw it was Mr. Hall walking outside. Keep your cool Brantley I had to tell myself a few times already, but I don't care for this man at all. 

"Mind if I join you son." Mr. Hall asked me. I smiled at him. 

"Yeah. Sure." I said to him. He sat down in the other chair. He looked over at the boys. 

"How old are they now?" Mr. Hall asked me. 

"Isaac is 8 and Rocky is 5." I told him. What kind of man doesn't known how old his grandchildren are. Oh yeah the one that kicks there daughter out of the house when she was only 15 years old. 

"Ahh." Mr. Hall said to me. 

"Yep." I said to him. This man was running on thin ice with me and I don't want to lose my cool with the boys right here with me. 

"How old are you?" He asked me. I looked over at him. 

"None of your business?" I said to him. 

"Well, it is when you are fucking my daughter?" Mr. Hall said to me. I looked over at him. 

"Watch your fucking mouth around the boys you sick fuck." I said to him. I took a big hit off of my cigarette. 

"Oh. So you can cuss around my grandsons but I can't." Mr. Hall said to me. I looked at him. 

"You better watch yourself around me Charles." I said to him. 

"Mr. Hall to you son." Charles said to me. I looked at him. 

"For one this is my house you are in. And for second I don't have to fall for this act. Why are you really here. At least your wife is trying with her daughter and her grand children. But not you. All you can do is talk down on her. If you do it again I will kick you out of the house." I said to him. 

"My daughter wouldn't let you do that." Charles said to me. I'm going to kill him and be done with it. 

"Watch me man." I said to him. I got up.

"Boys it's time to come in now." I said to both of the boys. I don't want them to be alone with Charles at all. 

"Brantley, can we stay out here for a little longer." Isaac asked me. 

"Nope. Maybe if we are good, maybe after super we can all get in the pool." I said to them. 

"Yay." Isaac and Rocky cheered. They ran over to me. I opened up the door and they ran inside the house first. I looked back at Charles. 

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