Part I & Part II • FAQ

Start from the beginning

Q: Why did Sang's father never do anything about the abuse?
A: Because he was a coward.


The Adair Family:

Q: Something is up with Chet. He knows information that the others doesn't, right?
A: Yup.

Q: Is Chet good or bad?
A: I guess we'll find out, won't we?



Q: Is Astral Projection really all Sang can do? It doesn't seem very exciting or useful.
A: Think outside of the box.

Q: Does Sang want to remember her past or not? She seems to be indecisive on that matter.
A: She does. Mostly, she wants to know because she wants to please everyone else whom she knows are wanting answers. But she is scared of what she'd learn, and there's an ingrained reaction of terror of whatever it is she might remember.

Q: The games are about to start, and it didn't seem like Sang had much time training or learning archery. Will she be alright?
A: I have a handy-dandy calendar marked with events and full/half training days. In between her identity being revealed and the isolation time, Sang had three days of training that she did attend. Not much, but she got the very basics down. I didn't cover that because I can't write training worth crap.

Outside of that, remember that Sang also is good with hunting, tracking, climbing trees, and hiding in the woods. She has an advantage that many other tributes do not.

Q: Why did they get married already when Sang hasn't had time to form a relationship with everyone?
A: Archaic laws and politics. Plus, the wedding itself really isn't the focus of the story. I wanted to focus on the development of her relationship with each of the boys, and do something different by not making the end goal marriage. They have an entire lifetime to learn about each other, being married doesn't change the pace of her relationship with them.

Q: Sang has spent a time of time with Owen, and some with Sean, Kota and North, in part two. Will the other boys get their chance? Silas, especially, has been left out.
A: Absolutely. It will come.

Q: Will Sang get pregnant, like the pregnancy rumor in the original Hunger Games?
A: Well, Sang is on birth control.


The Toma Team:

Q: What shenanigans are the Toma team up to? Will we see all of them?
A: They are doing another part of the mission, working from the outside to support the Blackbourne team as they go into the arena. We'll see pieces of their POV in the Collection book series.

Q: Are they all undercover?
A: Brandon and Corey are not undercover, entirely. Everyone else is using alias for now.

Q: Is Khloe, Kayli? If so, why was she in district six in the beginning of Part I?
A: Yes. She needs to find Wil for something Academy related. He's avoiding her.

Q: How did the Toma team get together in this universe?
A: We will talk about that later.


X and PI:

Q: Why did Sang become X and not Maro? Especially since Maro knew what was going on while Sang was in the dark.
A: You'll see. Maro was supposed to take over for his father, and he knew about the correspondance with PI the entire time. Sang just happened to get the first message.

Q: How was Sang's father working with the Academy, and not having Roman know about it? Was he actually Academy at all?
A: You'll see.

Q: How do you pronounce X?
A: I imagined it to be interpreted from the Roman numeral. That is one reason why the chapters are done this way. Therefore, X is 10. So, technically, Kota has called Sang 'ten' since before they ever met her at the games.

Q: What does PI stand for?
A: The PI nickname was chosen by Kota, who was the first person to talk to Sang. He choose from the math term, but that is not what Sang thinks that it stands for.

Q: Why did Sang not use the signal during the interview she had with Owen and her uncle?
A: First, she was overwhelmed, and it wasn't a traditional interview. Second, she didn't want to have PI become involved. Sang might have been told to signal the others, but she never actually planned on doing it at all.



Q: Will we see Uncle, Dr Roberts or any of the other original characters?
A: Yup. They will be playing major roles later.

Q: Will Gabriel's brother make an appearance?
A: Also yes. 

Q: What is Bertha?
A: An animal.

Q: Sean knows something about the zombies, doesn't he?
A: Sean is a doctor, they know everything.

Q: Over 100 tributes a year is a lot, how can they afford to lose that many people every year?
A: More detail will be provided later, but essentially it is about population control. This is a society there the people are resistant to a lot of modern day diseases, and there is no outside warfare. Keep in mind, that many, many people die today due to both of those things.

Q: What was the public reaction to Sang and Nathan having to face 20 zombies while everyone else only had to face 2 or less? 
A: The public was later told that the overflow of zombies had been planned, and that Sang was in no real danger. Even so, it made the support for Nathan and Sang surge. A number of the Blackbourne team members had been chosen to be in the live interviews, but no one took part in them in the end.  

Q: How could Sang's family back down when Sang was put into isolation?
A: They can't get Sang out of the games, she's contractually obligated to take part. So they can't break her out of the situation. While the Gentreau resources are expansive, and they are Academy, they also cannot risk going against the Capital at the time either. They deliberately sent Raven and Kayli to Sang so she wouldn't be alone, and that was the best they could do in the situation. 

Q: Why would President Hendricks snap, when earlier you stated that he needed to work with both families in order to prevent a civil war?
A: President Hendricks has been up to more than just running the games.

Q: What happened during the live interviews since everyone was locked away? Didn't anyone on the team win the popularity polls?
A: I haven't forgotten, you'll see. :) It will come up later.

Q: Why was Kayli looking for Wil? Is he going to be in the series later?
A: Yes. Wil is an important character, later.

Feel free to comment with any further questions or ask for clarification on things that you might not understand, and I'll add it to the FAQ

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Feel free to comment with any further questions or ask for clarification on things that you might not understand, and I'll add it to the FAQ. Thank you all for your support on this book!

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