Chapter Five

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It had been two weeks. James and Thomas texted and called each other constantly, learning more about each other, and gradually  becoming friends. Now, James had invited Thomas on a date, and actual date, and Thomas was the most nervous he'd ever been.

He paced in front of the mirror, adjusting the collar of his magenta button down. He flashed a charming smile at himself, but it turned into a grimace. God, he was nervous.  But why?

Because he liked James. In the short time he'd taken to get to know the other man, Thomas had genuinely grown to care for, and like, James. The feeling was new, and dangerous. Thomas had never really liked anyone before. He just kind of..had hookups. He had a real boyfriend once, in highschool. Alexander Hamilton. But Alex had left him, for a prettier, and younger girl, a Miss Elizabeth Schuyler, who turned out to be Alex's  soulmate.

Since then, Thomas had sworn off all romantic relationships, deciding he wouldn't get his heart broken again. He'd wait for his soulmate. His soulmate, who he now knew was James. Thomas could see himself being happy with James, and that pleased him immensely.

His phone buzzing snapped him out of his thoughts. He picked it up and read through the text from James, butterflies fluttering in his stomach.

[James 💕: Hey, I'm outside of your building. Should I..come upstairs, or-?]

Thomas texted back a hasty reply, something along the lines of "No, I'll be right down!", and slipped his phone back into his pocket. He wiggled his feet into a pair of black Converse. Well, it wasn't the fanciest outfit, but hopefully it'd be enough.

He left his apartment and trotted downstairs, a nervous feeling in the pit of his stomach. He really didn't want to mess this up, somehow cause James to hate him. It was a somewhat irrational thought, but Thomas didn't necessarily have the best track record, so to him, the feeling was extremely real.

Thomas stepped outside, his face instantly lighting up when he saw James. His fears instantly melted away, but were replaced by smaller, pettier ones, mostly about his appearance and how James must be seeing him.

"Hey! You ready?" James asked, smiling kindly and walking towards the man. He extended an arm for  Thomas to take. 

"Oh! So gentlemanly," Thomas giggled, nervously looping his arm through James'. He wasn't used to people treating him like this, and honestly, the sensation was very weird. "So, where are you taking me?"

James tilted his head towards Thomas, a mischievous grin just barely noticeable on his face. He shrugged, taking Thomas' hand in his own, swinging their arms slightly as they walked.

"It's a secret," James said after a moments' silence, a playful note in his tone. "But I promise, it'll be fun. You just have to trust me.

Thomas furrowed his brow. Something about the situation scared him, just a bit. Maybe it was the strange feeling of being happy, of caring for someone, and having them care for you. Yes, that was probably it.

"Oh, alright. I trust you," Thomas said quietly, still trying to figure out what they'd be doing. He swallowed the bad feelings and smiled at James, not wanting to offend the man in any way. "I'm really excited!"

"So am I, Thomas. I'm..uh, really glad that I met you," James mumbled a bit awkwardly flashing a grin at Thomas. He noticed they were approaching his car, and he dropped Thomas' hand, racing forward to open the passenger door for Thomas.

"Thank you, Mr. Madison," Thomas said with a giggle, getting in the car. This could either be one of the best nights of his life, or one of the worst. He was hoping for the former option.

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