Chapter Four

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Thomas and James had stayed and talked for much longer than anticipated.

It'd been 3:43 when James first entered the little shop, and now it was 7:30. Huh. It was a surprise that they hadn't been kicked out for loitering or whatever, since neither of them had ordered anything else than what they'd had since they ran in to each other.

"I haven't been that caught up in a conversation in years," Thomas remarked as they exited the shop, side by side. He glanced at James out of the corner of his eye and smiled.

James returned the smile before speaking, a rare hint of happiness present in his tone. "I agree one hundred percent. You are a lovely person to talk to, Thomas."

Thomas just shrugged and looked up at the sky, blushing a bit.

"Oh, no. Not really," He said softly, kind of surprised that someone had actually enjoyed talking with him. That was a first. "I should, uh, probably get going now."

A look of disappointment crossed James face as he stared at Thomas. Thomas caught the look, and resisted the urge to grin.

"Sorry. Wait! Here gimme your phone," He commanded, holding his hand out towards James. James immediately complied, fishing his phone out of his pocket and placing it in Thomas' palm, a curious look on his face.

Thomas typed something in, then handed the phone back to James, the ghost of a smile on his face. He leaned rocked back on his heels, glancing behind him a few times.

James glanced down at his phone, where Thomas had just put in his name and number in James' contact list. He smiled slightly at the name Thomas typed.

"Wellll, I'll see you later," Thomas said awkwardly, giving a small wave before turning on his heel and walking back towards his home.

"Hey, don't I get a goodbye kiss?" James called after him playfully, not actually meaning this.

Thomas turned around and blew him a kiss, giggling slightly. He winked at James, then turned back around, walking a little more enthusiastically than before. James stared after him, a lovestruck expression making its way onto his face. He didn't even try to hide it.

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