Chapter One

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Thomas hadn't even realized he'd fallen asleep until he was being shaken awake.

"Huh..what?" He mumbled, slowly sitting up and stretching. He looked around, blinking dumbly at the person standing in front of him.

"The library closes in," The woman paused and checked her watch, looking back at Thomas with a disapproving, yet concerned, expression. "Five minutes. You need to go."

Thomas rolled his eyes and stood up, grumbling as he collected his books and binder, hastily shoving them into his bag. He gave the librarian one last dirty look, then stalked out of the door, collapsing against the brick wall of the building.

He closed his eyes and tilted his head back, jumping when the library door slammed open and the librarian stalked out, giving him a confused stare.

"Sir? What are you doing? It's almost midnight, do you not have anywhere to go?" She asked, tucking a lock of curly hair behind her ear.

Thomas just stared at her, blinking dumbly. His mouth hung open, as if he didn't understand what she was saying.

"Uh, hello!" She said again, a bit louder this time. "I'm Dolley. Dolley Madison. And you are?"

"None of your business," Thomas mumbled, pushing away from the wall and walking past her, in the general direction of his house.

He stopped though, when he heard a car behind him picking her up. He slipped into the shadows, turning around and watching the car.

Dolley stepped in, smiling and laughing with whoever was in the drivers seat.

"James!" She squealed, shutting the door behind her, which meant Thomas could no longer hear their conversation.

Thomas flattened himself against the wall as they drove past, his heart racing. He didn't know why he was so frightened, but something about the encounter felt odd to him.

He simply shrugged it off and continued to walk home, back to the large, but cold and rather lonely, house he'd been living in since leaving his parents and siblings behind in Charlottesville, Virginia.


James smiled as Dolley squealed and hopped into the car, his hands tightening on the steering wheel.

"So? How was work?" He asked, looking away from his sister and towards the road, starting to drive.

"Meh," Dolley grumbled, messing with one of her springy curls. "Boring, as usual. I did meet a rather odd man though. He was kind of rude. But enough about my day, did you find him yet?"

James shook his head, a glum expression on his face.

"We don't even know it's a he," He reminded her, shaking his head slightly. "I'm gay, but the universe might decide to bless me with a female soulmate."

A bit of disgust showed on James' face as he said this. He'd never, not once, felt any attraction towards girls. Actually, he'd never felt any attraction towards anyone. All of his life, and not once had he ever been attracted to someone. It was pathetic, really.

"James! Are you even listening to me?" Dolley asked, a fake pout on her face.

James blinked rapidly, coming to his senses again. He'd been lost in thought, which seemed to be happening more and more these days.

"Y-yeah. Sorry, what?"

"I was saying," Dolley said loudly, clearing her throat. "I'm sure you'll find him soon, and when you do, it'll be the happiest day of your life."

James stayed silent, contemplating this. Maybe he was one of the broken ones, somebody who was destined to be alone. Forever.

Yeah, that'd make sense. He probably didn't even have a soulmate. After all, who would really be compatible with someone like him?

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