Chapter Three

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Thomas slid into the seat across from James, smiling slightly. He cocked his head, a questioning expression on his face.

"So? James~," He said, his tone soft and sweet, with just a bit of flirt in it. "Tell me about yourself."

Thomas was amazed at how calm and collected he was staying. There was an extremely hot man in front of him, who just happened to be his soulmate, and he wasn't having a panic attack. It was practically a miracle. He usually couldn't even look at people without wanting to cry.

"Well, my name is James," The man began, then facepalmed. "Duh, you already knew that. I'm 21, uh, I live with my older sister, which kind of sucks, but at least I don't have to pay for a dorm."

He shrugged and smiled at Thomas, beginning to come out of his shell a bit.

"So? What about you, Mr. Jefferson? You must be an amazing person, if your insides are as pretty as your outsides."

His flirting skills were back to, which James was extremely greatful for. He really wasn't a blushy schoolgirl type of guy, although that might have been his outward apparence.

Thomas raised his eyebrows, unintentionally leaning forward a bit, staring into James' eyes.

"I'm only 19, but don't worry, I like older men," Thomas began, accompanying this with a wink. "I'm extremely gay, I'm studying law, and I live alone with my morbid depression. So yeah."

Thomas smiled as he said this, which confused James. Was he- was he serious? James laughed nervously, his eyes darting to the side.

"Shit. I probably scared you already," Thomas frowned, a rather sad expression replacing his happy one. "S-sorry."

"No! No, sorry! It wasn't you," James said quickly, sitting up stranger and returning his gaze to Thomas. "You did nothing wrong."

Relief flooding Thomas' face. He nodded slowly, a hopeful smile blossiming on his face.

"Ah, okay."

"So, you're studying law?" James asked, changing the subject to something less depressing. "That's cool! I could never have the patience for that. I'm taking a lot of English classes, myself. I really love to write."

Thomas grinned, already becoming rather fond of the man in front of him.

Uh oh.

That was not a good thing. Every time Thomas got close to someone, learned to care for them, they always left, or broke his heart.

Maybe that wouldn't happen this time. Maybe James was different.

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