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So in her Cryptic books, Myst has a 'random fun fact' at the end of almost every chapter. I like that idea and over the course of writing this compiled my own list, but decided to save them until the end.

- ive literally had that last paragraph written for MONTHS and yes it is actually the end I know its bad but hey I kinda like it ok

- In my ORIGINAL ORIGINAL draft, there were no 'Authors' at all. It was the Order that got special powers. But I liked the idea of adding Wattpadders and 'author powers', so that happened

- in one of my original drafts, Aaron was not a bad guy. I don't actually have any written proof of that, which annoys me because I can't remember what was originally going to happen to him. He probably died.

- Aaron the narrator was also originally not going to be an Author. Even after I decided he was going to betray Minty, I still hadn't made him an Author. When the 'fourteenth Author' was introduced in chapter...ten, I think, that was 100% spontaneous. I knew as soon as I started that segment that he was the 'mysterious fourteenth Author', but hadn't planned it at all.

- Salem's weird black sword was originally going to be a bigger deal, but I decided that it was just more unnecessary complications and I didn't act on my plan
EDIT: it does, however, become important in the second book of my Shard duology, Reflected Ruin

- The fanfiction book being at the castle was another completely spontaneous thing. I just added that because I realized I had never really specified what happened to that thing and wanted it to come full-circle.

- the dullions' appearance is based on Hugo from Fablehaven

- the dullions' appearance is based on Hugo from Fablehaven

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so yeah like that but a bit more...minecraft-y

...don't question my 'logic' ok

- I have a big ole detailed plan about what was supposed to happen in each chapter, but I started being less detailed in the later chapters because I honestly didn't think I'd ever get there. When I DID get there, I had a nice little mini panic attack because my overly detailed unnecessarily complicated plan had failed me and I didn't know what to do.

...I managed, though ^^

- I toned Jacky down A LOT. She was originally WAAY more insane and scarier. I'm not sure why I did that; I don't think I actually meant to ¯\_ツ_/¯

- I regret Flavian's name. If I could go back in time and change it, I would.

- this is legit the second story I have even come close to finishing, despite being on Wattpad for over a year.

- 70% of this story was written at past midnight and while sleepdrunk

- I actually really enjoyed writing Jacky and Salem. I just...really like villains, okay??

- The three Authors who didn't make it back are NOT out of the story for good, but Soren is. My sister says that he's sitting in hell and I'm like 'welp okay'.

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