.: never forget :.

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I always post something for 9/11 here, so here it goes. Also, sorry for no art this chapter. School is kicking my butt, tbh.

16 years ago on this day, September 11, hundreds of people died from hijacked planes crashing into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and a field in Pennsylvania. These horrible acts if terrorism were devastating to our nation.

But afterwards, we only cane back stronger. We built up what they tore down, and we worked together to overcome those terrible events. We pray for the lives that were lost still to this day, because we will never forget. Never forget 9/11/01.

Thanks for reading, and sorry if it was a bit short

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Thanks for reading, and sorry if it was a bit short. I hope you have a nice day, and remember to pray for the lives that were lost. I hope to see you guys soon.

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