.: puppycat!! :.

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This is something a little different..

I drew this for a pastel contest being held by ramenfoodles! The contest is basically to draw anything with pastel colors! If you wanna enter, hurry because it ends June 2, I believe!

Sorry these colors aren't super pastel-ish, they're probably the closest colors I have. I really hope you like it, though!

Also, for me, I only have three more school days left, so I'll be getting more art out very soon! (/^▽^)/

Until then, see y'all later! Bye!

Edit: I forgot to ask, has anyone here watched all of Bee and Puppycat?? I finished it a couple days ago (I know I'm late) and I really enjoyed the finale!

Plus, did anyone watch the latest Steven Universe episodes???? I did today and wOW it was really good! I won't spoil it though, but I really enjoyed that, too! I can't wait to see what happens next!

Alright, now I'm done. Bye!

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