.: watercolor attempt :.

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So, I had a really old watercolor palette in my cabinet, and I decided to try it out! Plus I used some pretty cheap brushes we just had lying around, so the supplies I used wasn't super high quality...

Nonetheless, I like how it turned out! I didn't put it up top bc I just want to give a little warning..


The art I'm about to show you contains spoilers from the newest Steven Bomb! If you haven't watched it (the episode "Off Colors", to be exact) then I recommend you watch that before continuing! If you don't watch Steven Universe, then a) what're you doing with your life, and b) you may proceed if you wish!

The art I'm about to show you contains spoilers from the newest Steven Bomb! If you haven't watched it (the episode "Off Colors", to be exact) then I recommend you watch that before continuing! If you don't watch Steven Universe, then a) what're y...

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Here it is! I decided to draw Pink Lars! Personally, even though there are TONS of mistakes, I like how it turned out! It's decent for one of my first attempts (outside of school projects).

Okay, that's all I got for now! See y'all soon! 🤗

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