.: whoops :.

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Sorry I haven't been posting :P I've been working my butt off on this ^^^^^

I decided to do one of those Meet the Artist thingamabobs! (it's supposed to look a bit sloppy, btw) I really like it!

I decided to do one of those Meet the Artist thingamabobs! (it's supposed to look a bit sloppy, btw) I really like it!

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Closeup ^^^^^

Finally putting that washi tape of mine to use haha (it looks really pretty though!!)

Okay, storytime kiddos! Come gather around the fire! 🔥 *throws in old art to keep fire burning*

All right! Let's get started on the second reason of why I've been inactive, shall we?

First things first, my dad experienced some major vertigo last Wednesday, which also happened to be his birthday, sadly. (here's the definition of vertigo in case you don't know: a sensation of whirling and loss of balance) He was rushed to the hospital via ambulance and given medicine and all that jazz they do in the ER. We took him home about four or five hours later. I'm pretty sure they overdosed him a little on the medicine, because he was extremely dizzy when he got home and even vomited in the trash can. The next day, though, he felt a lot better and was basically back to normal. The purpose of telling this story will come up in a bit, don't worry lol

Fast forward to yesterday (Monday), my dad was working or something when he heard a huge pop. He believed it came from the garage, so he rushed back there to take a look. Turns out one of our water pipes in the garage popped from the cold weather and was spewing out water. First, he ran over and turned off the water to the house. Then he told us to get ready to go to my grandma's house, who lives close by, while he calls people over and gets it fixed. Turns out they couldn't come till the next day because their schedule was filled for the day. So, we ended spending the night at my grandma's house. This morning, my dad went to the house while they fixed the pipe.

This is where I got a bit confused on the story my mom told me?? So basically, from my knowledge, this is what happened. My dad got the price for the repairs, which my mom already signed off on. (like, she officially agreed to pay for it or whatever) My dad got pretty angry because he thought that the repairs were way overpriced and that they were charging too much. (even though they weren't lol) Long story short, his blood pressure got so high (from being mad) that he got vertigo (aGAIN) and had to go to the ER (aGAIN). He's fine, though, now. Don't worry, he just has some kind of inner ear condition, but he really is fine, no need to worry. So yeah, you could say I've had a pretty okay break so far... 🙃

Here's the pipe ^^^^^

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Here's the pipe ^^^^^

Storytime over! 🌬 *blows out fire*

K, I would say that's all for now, but I have more to say in the next chapter, but I don't want this chapter to be too long. So, bye for now! Thanks for listening to my rambles! See ya! ✌

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