'You're right.' Paul nodded, pushing John away. 'You're right.' He repeated, pulling John into a tight hug. 'Come in with me.' He asked.

'Of course.' John agreed.

Dot was facing the window and staring out. She wasn't looking at anything in particular, she was just staring.

'How are you feeling?' Paul asked, taking a seat on the chair beside her bed. She didn't respond. 'Sorry, stupid question.' He twiddled his thumbs. 'Are you in any pain?'

'You're not my doctor, Paul.' She cried. 'You're supposed to be my boyfriend.'

'I know.' Paul furrowed his brows.

'If you want to end it then end it.' She sobbed. 'Don't keep me hanging on.'


'I know you stopped wanting this to work as soon as I told you.' She turned to him, wincing at the pain in her abdomen. 'So please, just put me out of my misery and tell me.'

Paul felt a tear fall from his eye. 'I don't want to be with you anymore.'

'Alright.' She nodded. 'You can go.'

'I can't go.' He stayed put. 'I'm going to be right here with you, by your side through this.' He took her hand.

John smiled at him, proud that he was doing the humane thing. He was proud of his best friend.

'I don't want you here.' She scolded his hand by throwing it away. 'I'd prefer not to see you again.' She turned away. 'Not ever.'

John watched as Paul stood up. 'I understand.' He said. 'Just know: I'm always a phone call away.'

'Just leave.' She pointed to the door.

'I'm so sorry.' He kissed her forehead.

Once they had left the room, Paul started to wimper again. 'My God.' His voice cracked.

'Come on, let's get you home.' John smiled lightly, walking beside Paul the whole way home.

Once back at Forthlin Road, Paul walked straight to his room. Jim ran to the door and took one glance at his son before speaking, 'bad news?'

'She lost the baby.' John said simply, not fooling about for the first time in his life.

'Oh no.' Jim sat down in disbelief.

'I'm going to stay here with him so he isn't alone.' John said. Jim nodded, unable to do or say anything else. He watched as John walked up the stairs.

Paul was curled up in his bed, his duvet suffocating him just enough. He sobbed quietly, his heart gently breaking. John clambered into bed with Paul and cradled him in his arms.

'I'm here.' He whispered, feeling Paul's sobs on his chest. His face was buried in John's warmth as he wimpered like a puppy.

'I love you John.' He managed to choke out.

John closed his eyes. 'I love you too, Paulie.'


John woke to the aroma of Paul lingering in his nose. Paul's hands were intertwined with his own as he opened his eyes to see a blinding light. George stood over the pair of them with a grin on his face.

'This is cosy.' He smiled, nudging Paul awake. Paul's eyes widened once he noticed the scene he has awoken to.

'This isn't what-' He jumped up, his eyes still tender. John laughed.

'I think he fuckin' knows that.'

'You two are strange. I get it.' George smirked. 'But I know for sure you ain't queer.'

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