Chapter Eight

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'Congratulations.' Stuart shook Pete's hand. 'You must be pleased.'

Pete agreed with a nod. 'Oh, I am.'

'No more playing drums just for fun.' John smiled. 'Now you can make some real money out of it.'

'Yeah, I suppose I can.' He laughed.

John suddenly turned his attention to Stuart. 'How did the auction go?'

'I sold my painting.' He grinned. '£65 in my hand, thank you very much.' He bowed.

'You can buy a load of new paintbrushes and paints for that, well done.' George clapped.

'Or a guitar.' John smirked.

'What?' Stuart's eyebrows cocked into a confused position.

John looked at Paul with a smirk, 'The Silver Beetles need a bass player.'


'You could make loads of money for paints with our band.'

'John - I'm not sure.' Paul muttered.

'Shh Paul.' John winded him.

'Actually, Paul's right.' Stuart shrugged. 'I'm not a musician.'

Paul glared at John in disbelief. He shook his head and walked to the bar.

'We could teach you everything you need to know.' John said. 'Come on Stu, help us out.'

'I'm not-' Stuart glanced at Paul. 'I don't think Paul's too impressed.'

'He's not the leader.' John put his foot down. 'I am. And I say I want you as our bassist.'

'Alright.' Stuart nodded, not wanting to let his friend down. 'You'll have to come with me though, I don't know a thing about guitars.'

'Tomorrow after college it is.' John held his glass up and clinked it with Stuart's. 'Welcome to the band.'


George swallowed his lemonade and walked over to Paul sat on the barstool. He took the stool beside him and ordered another drink.

'It won't be that bad.' George nudged Paul playfully.

'He can't play.' Paul said blankly.

'Neither could we until we learnt.'

'He doesn't even like music.'

'He won't take your place in John's eyes.' George shrugged, understanding exactly what this was about.

Paul glared at him with cautious eyes.

'That's not what-'

'Yes it is.' George smiled. 'And you've got nothing to be worried about.'

'Thanks Geo.' Paul laughed. 'But honestly, I just don't like him.'

'I know.' He smirked. 'I think he knows too.'

'It's not difficult to work out, is it?'

'Just try make an effort with him, don't make John have to choose between his friends.'

'Jesus Geo.' Paul scoffed with a laugh. 'You're like one of Jesus' disciples.'

'I do try.' He winked.


Over the next few months, The Silver Beetles played different gigs all over the city. Johnny Gentle invited them along as his backing band for his tour. Stuart had picked up quite a lot in his time with the band but he was still a work in progress.

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