Quentin Miller, Green Great Dane and Private Eye Detective

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Quentin has been around for a long time

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Quentin has been around for a long time. How long? Well, when I was a kid, he started out as an obvious Pink Panther ripoff known as Pink Coyote. Original, isn't it? I don't know what the hell I was thinking. If I'd continued with that abomination, I'd likely suffer a lawsuit from MGM for copyright/plagiarism issues of ripping off one of their characters, even if it was an intentional parody at the time. So I changed him. I made him a green Great Dane. But he needed a name. So I decided to name him after my favorite movie director, Quentin Tarantino. And his last name? Reference to Frank Miller. Quentin Miller sounds like a cool name, doesn't it? Making him a detective sounded cooler. In some versions, he's Robin Warner's friend. I hope I can use him one day.

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