Ninja Nightwing

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I remember reading Forever Evil when Dick Grayson was exposed and unmasked to the entire world

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I remember reading Forever Evil when Dick Grayson was exposed and unmasked to the entire world. Because of that, he had to retire as Nightwing and fake his death. Now I was unhappy with that, because Batman needs a Nightwing. So I thought, what if someone else became Nightwing? It would've been interesting. So I drew him as a ninja, to prevent identity compromising/exposure. The ninja mask was a nod to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Who's the man behind the mask? It would've turned out to be Robin Warner. Yeah, anticlimactic. But I drew two versions. One that's blue, homaging the old school pre-Flashpoint Nightwing costume. And the one down below is red, referencing the Nightwing costume from the New 52.

Personally, I like Dick Grayson's Rebirth Nightwing costume where it's blue again.

My Drawings (so far.)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora