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Thank you to everyone who commented on my last section, and I will be pumping out the part three to what you've been waiting for soon, but for now, here's an imagine requested by StarGliese. It's actually really creative, so I hope you enjoy it!


The whole cast of Once Upon A Time was in San Diego for Comic Con, and you, being an avid fan of the one and only Robbie Kay, of course had to go see him. Stepping off the train, you fiddled with the badge around your neck. You were really going to meet him.

You walked into the convention center, looking at everyone in costume, waiting for the time to come to Robbie's panel, which held a special meet and greet afterwards. Checking the time on your phone, you saw you had an hour left to go until the panel, and decided to  walk into the small café adjacent to the center.

Little did you know Robbie was in the very same café.

Looking up from his coffee, his green eyes widened at the sight of you.

"Whoa." He mumbled under his breath. His manager looked up at him, tilting his head.

"What's wrong?" He asked, looking around. The brown haired boy smiled lightly, shaking his head.

"Oh, nothing. I'm sure I'll see her again." The manager chuckled and hit his client's arm.

"Come on, we have to go now. We're not going to be late." Robbie nodded, turning his camera towards you, snapping a photo and walking out, right under your nose, putting the picture of you on Instagram, for everyone to see.

The hour you spent in the café went by slowly, as you were impatient and didn't want to wait to see the actor you loved so dearly.

It was finally time to go, and you walked through the doors, grabbing a seat and waiting for the last fifteen minutes of the hour long wait. Everyone stared at you, making you shift in your seat. You looked at your phone, seeing a post notification for Robbie, but ignored it cine it was so close to his arrival. So, what was up with everyone?

At long last, Robbie came out of the curtain, sitting in his seat. The whole crowd cheered, and you smiled widely, looking at your idol. He looked down, staring directly at you. His eyes widened, and you tilted your head in confusion.

"I found you." He said, holding out his hand. You took it, unsure of what to do, but you weren't going to say no to the handsome man.

"Wait what?" You asked, looking at everyone. He handed his phone to you, and your jaw dropped. There, on the iphone, was the picture Robbie took of you, captioned "Has anyone seen this gorgeous girl? I need to find her."

You blushed furiously, handing the phone back to Robbie.

"So." He started through the microphone. "Would you do my the honor of going out with me?"


Okay, but like, imagine if that was real lol. I would die. Onto part three! Happy reading!

OUAT Peter Pan x Reader/ Robbie Kay x Reader Imaginesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن