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They don't know.
It's like I'm a sticker about to fall off at any moment..
I sit my empty grey room pondering if I should leave this hell..
That thought has been there for years now. It's been there so much that I can't even remember the beginning.
My mind says to me that I shouldn't but my body does otherwise getting up and putting on my hoodie heading out the door to a path that leads into woods in my back yard..
it lead to a valley like field..
that's when I saw him..
a dark figure sat at a worn bench near a large tree.. his eyes met mine
I felt adrenaline in my veins.
Too much
I turned around and walked back.
Just like everyday of my life.
I'm a coward.
-entry 1

Where the bugs light up in the woods---- Chris Motionless x boy reader Where stories live. Discover now