Best Tired Day Ever Part 2

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Part 2

After dinner the boys thank you and Luke. Suddenly the three of them spring out of their seats grabbing all the food leftovers and Mikey comes over and takes a giggling Lilly out of Luke's lap. The three boys go into the house and close the sliding door. "Well that was unexpected." You voice breaking the silence after a few seconds. "Yeah." Luke agrees. You then yawn really big and loud. "Oh excuse me I am sorry." You say embarrassed. "It's ok. You look exhausted." Luke points out. "I am, Lilly has been waking up from nightmares in the middle of the night and won't go back to sleep." You explain. "Oh gosh I am sorry babe I wish I was there to help." Luke says solemnly. "It's ok, it's probably better you've had a lot of long rehearsals this week." You reassure him. "Why don't he go for a walk?" Luke suggests. "Sure." You respond. You stand up with Luke and take his hand and then walk to the fronts of the house, down the street towards the little park near by.

It's only about a five minute walk but you enjoy it just spending the time with Luke. When you get to the park you both go to the play ground and sit on the swings. You both sway slightly and just talk. A comfortable silence falls between the both of you. You look beyond the few trees in front of you and admire the sunset. As your admiring the beautiful color filled sky your drawn back to real life by Luke's calm voice. "You know I am really sorry for this past week, having to deal with Lil all on your own." He say looking into your eyes. "It's fine, I understand." You reassure him again. "No, it's not alright Y/N you always have to do all this stuff alone during the week. She our daughter and I should be there to help." Luke protests. Your about to respond but Luke does something that catches you off guard, he gets off his swing and come in front of you on one knee.

"Y/N I love you so much, you take care of our daughter and accept my crazy work schedule. I have loved you since the first day I have laid eyes on you. You moved to a whole different country, held out baby and accepted me for me and nothing else. Your the most wonderful women no one could compare to you Y/N. So will you Fn/Mn/Ln would you do me the honor of becoming my wife and letting me move in permanently so we can be together and raise our daughter together as a team?" Luke finishes off his speech. You are speechless and start to cry happy tears. You squeak out the answer 'yes' while nodding your head. He smiles and puts the ring on your finger and smashed his lips into yours. After a bit you break apart, you then look down at your ring and admire it. It's just what you wanted. A ring that looks like a flower chain and engraved on the inside of the band 'I pick you'. Your smile is plastered on your face and no signs of coming off anytime soon. "We should get back and tell Lilly and the others the news." You tell Luke. He smiles and nods. You take his hand and start walking back to the house.

Once there you tell everyone the news and they are all happy. Lily couldn't stop jumping around while the boys we're congratulating you and Luke. After a while you Luke and Lilly go home. You go home as a very happy family ready to start your life together as husband and wife and as a family together I the bear future.

!Authors note!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter again thank you for your patients. I know it's been a long time. Love ya.


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