Be Yourself, and Love your Family

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Your considered the biggest FREAK in school, and it doesn't help you have an internationally famous older brother. Everyone knows you in school but they don't like you because your part of many Fandoms. Sherlock, The Hunger Games, Dr. Who, Divergent, Star Wars, and your a NerdFighter. It's rare occasion when you don't have a book in your hands or not wearing some kind of fandom apparel. Today was the worst of the days for the haters because your wearing your Katniss jacket, Finnick t-shirt, your Peeta locket, OD green cargo pant like Jennifer Lawrence wore in the first movie, black combat boots, and you have your hair in a side braid. Today the Catching Fire DVD comes out, and you weren't aloud to go to any of the numerous midnight release parties. Your mom thought it was "dangerous" being at a store that late that. You didn't complain though, you just decided to go to the store right after school and buy it.

But right now you are walking through the halls of your school to your last period of the day, English. It's your favorite period because you talk about books the whole time with your teacher distracting her from teaching some days. Your early so you grab the furthest desk away from everyone. Where you will be ignored. Soon the bell rings and the other students pour into the classroom so class can start.

One hour later the final bell rings, and you run out of the building, and You sprint towards the store. Your halfway there when suddenly your tripped up, and here laughing. You turn and see the biggest bully in your school. "Hey FREAK, what's up?" Before you can answer, your bully and her crew are spitting insults about you, your brother and beating you to a pulp. Soon she's finished, but you find a spurt of energy. "You can insult me and beat me up all you want but no one puts down my family!" You yell so fast that you didn't even realize what you said. A split second later you are laying on the ground again. You are in extreme pain but you keep your screams and tears in, not giving her the satisfaction she wants.

After she's finished, you get up painfully, and decide to just go home. No DVD, is worth enduring this pain. You limp your way home wincing every time you move the wrong way. Finally after a long painful walk you get to your house. You are thanking who ever is look out for you upstairs, because your parents aren't home. So you take the advantage to go strait up to your room, clean up yourself up before your parents get home. You hobble to your front door, and walk inside. As soon as you step in the door someone pops out screaming. "Surpri...... What the hell happened!" Louis is standing there looking furious. "I.. I.. A.. Um.. Nothing!" You say stuttering then try to run to your room. But that doesn't work very well because Louis grabs you lifting you up. He carries you to the lounge and sets you on the couch. You are in to much pain and a loss of energy to fight him. "So what happened?" He asks in a quieter, nicer tone. "I was walking to the store to get Catching Fire, but half way to the store my bully stopped me." Before you could continue Louis speaks up. "You have a bully?" He asks. "Yes." You simply state. "Anyway, she asked what was up, then started beating me up insulting me, and, and, and insulting you, so I stood up for you and she beat me up more." You finish explaining. "Oh, babe I am sorry you got beat up because of me." He says solemnly. "It's alright no one messes with my family, I would take a thousand beatings." You tell him. He smiles. "Why don't we get you cleaned up, and then up to your room to rest?" He suggests. "Ok." You reply. Louis helps you up then to the kitchen. He dampens a paper towel and starts to clean the blood. After he's finished he helps you up the stairs to your bedroom. You sit on your bed then ease your self to a laying position. Louis takes off your boots and puts them to the side. "Take a nap Hun, you'll feel better." He tells you. You don't hesitate and fall asleep.


Your eyes begin to flutter open. Louis is standing there with a creepy smile, in front of your tv. "LETS WATCH A MOVIE!" He yells and jumps around like a little kid. "Ok, put one in." You instruct. He does, then flops beside you on bed. You watch the trailers and then the movie play screen pops up. You start to fangirl because it's Catching Fire. "THANK YOU!" You scream, and hug your brother. For the rest of the evening you watch Catching Fire and other movies eating snacks and enjoying your time with your brother forgetting about the haters and being yourself.

(Authors note)

First off I own no rights or anything to any of the Fandoms mentioned in this. But I am part of them.

I really hope you enjoy this one, I really enjoyed writing it. But in all honesty if you have a bully tell someone, mom, dad, teacher, sibling, best friend, anyone you trust. And don't let them and every other hater on this planet get to you be proud of your personality your unique and shouldn't strive to please others, please your self and be confident about it.

Alright, sorry I did not post this earlier. All week I haven't been getting home till after 7pm because of drama, and I have homework and stuff to do.

I had my first play yesterday, the last production is next Friday as well so I will be able to post more I hope! and I may be getting a job, it's only on Sundays and only a few hour shift so it shouldn't affect anything.

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