Chapter 1: Don't take it personal

Start from the beginning

We were cussing at each other while hurting each other in any type of was that could be thought up of at the moment, I slammed her into the locker and punched her in the stomach and she tripped me and kicked me in the side.

This girl is stronger than I thought but I'm not backing out I thought when I could tell my noes was bleeding, My head slowly began to ache do to all the hair pulling and my hands were becoming soar from punching this girl so much, my knees were also bruising up a mad storm.

Suddenly while we fought two guards came up and I felt arms wrap around me and pull me away from the girl, the same came for Roa. We both struggled to get free from the guards, But we froze after seeing people evacuate the hallways.

Down the hall came our principal who looked angrier than ever before, I sighed as he stood in between us and the guards with that look of disappointment all over his face, He glared at the both of us and told us to go to his office immediately.

Of course the guard walked in between us so we wouldn't try and tackle each other or anything, I walk with my arms crossed while she walked with her hands in her pocket as though nothing had happened.

As we sit in his office he is in one of the closets looking for something in the drawers, I look at Roa for a little bit and she puts her middle finger up with her head turned the opposite way to avoid eye contact, I slap her hand out of my face.

She quickly turned her head to me and look in at the principal; very secretively she turned her chair towards me and kicked my leg as hard as she could. A strong pain shot up my knee but I fought myself not to show it.

The principal walks out and sits in his chair, he rubs his forehead and sighs very deeply at the sight of our beat up faces, He takes a piece of paper out and we hear the clicking of his pen. He disappointedly shakes his head.

"Ladies. Why did this happen." He asks.

"I was just walking to class and she threw my books to the floor and kicked them away from me, and called me a slut."

"Is this true?" He says and looks at me, I nod in response.

"And why did you do that?"

"I'm not going to say my reasons, you wouldn't understand them." I say and cross my arms, She cackles.

"Miss Kim what made you think it was okay to fight."

"Look at her!!!" Roa says and points at me.

"Looking at me has nothing to do with the situation"

"It has EVERYTHING to do with the---" Roa was suddenly cut off by the teacher.

"Miss Kim this is your third fight this month.. Its the 13th!!! I have no choice but to call your guardian and put a stop to this rampage before someone gets extremely hurt"


"No excuse you could've been mature miss Kim."

Seeing the girl so angry made me a little happy, all though I believe she was getting a little too mad. She screamed a few cuss words, stood up and pushed her chair to the floor and ran out the door, The principal stared at me.

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