Shannon: Part 2

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Hey. It's Shannon, Shannon Jerryl. Don't go, it's me, alive. Get a snack, settle in because I'm about to tell you the story of my life more specifically why my life ended. And if you're reading this, you better learn something.

I'm not going to tell you which paragraph is going to explain why my life ended. The rules here are pretty simple, there are only two:

Rule number 1: you read till the end
Rule number 2: don't judge, keep an open mind.

Hopefully this will be easy, it's not supposed to be but hopefully. When you're done reading my story, reflect on how you treat others.


3 months until my birthday, let the planning begin.
I grab a pen and notepad and I start jotting down things.
"So what should I use? A knife? No that's too messy. A gun? No too loud. A rope? I don't know how to tie a properly. Sleeping pills? I don't have enough money for that." By then my notepad was in scribbles. Hmm... I'll write down other things.


Bullying made my life awful. Life was too hard. No one loves me. Rape played a part in this.

Who did this?


Hmm... what else? I guess that's it for the night.

School went by in a blink of an eye. 2 months before my birthday we closed school. Finally. Away from hell. I still kept planning.

How to do it?

Jump from a tall building.
The Roman Hotel.


September 13th, my birthday

Who to tell?


I'll finally be happy. Happiness awaits me on the other side.
On September the 10th I made a group chat with Rachel, Blake and Chris.
This is what happened.

Shannon: you've made my life hell. You've shown me no mercy, I see that you hate me and that's okay. When I leave this earth, you may all have been the reason. September the 13th at 12 midnight at The Romans Hotel, come witness death. Not to you. To someone you know.
Blake: Shannon what are you talking about?
Shannon: come and you'll find out.
Rachel: this isn't you Shannon. Can I have the old you?
Shannon: the old Shannon can't come to the phone right now
Rachel: why?
Shannon: why? Oh... cause she's dead.

That was the end of the conversation.

SEPTEMBER THE 13th 11:55pm

I'm standing at the edge of the building.

"Shannon you don't have to do this. Let's talk about this," Rachel says.
"Why do you care all of a sudden? You didn't care when you spread those rumors about me."
"Shannon I'm sorry," Rachel says with tears in her eyes.
"It's too late now," I say dangling my foot.
"Shannon, don't do this. People care like Chris, Rachel and I. We made a huge mistake. We took it too far. Shannon please don't do this," Blake says.
"Shannon don't do this," they all say in union together, Rachel is crying, Blake and Chris are on the verge of crying.

TING 12 midnight

"Happy Birthday to me," I say falling on my back from the building. In a split second I see Rachel run to grab my hand and she touches the tip of my fingers but it's too late. I hear her scream, "NO!"

Before I hit the ground I scream, "I forgive all of you! Have a good life! Goodbye!" And my skull hits the concrete. I'm no longer living.

As a ghost I can tell you this, Rachel moves, Chris goes to an Asylum, Blake goes and sees a therapist. My death ate everyone up especially Rachel. Rachel couldn't eat, sleep or do anything. She had to get out of LakeVille.

Everyone blamed Rachel because we were supposed to be best friends. She was my only friend, my only best friend. And she let me die.

//Author's Note://

Bullying and horrible acts towards someone can lead them to commit suicide. Be careful of how you treat others. Life is hard for everyone, don't make it way worse for someone/anyone. Everyone you meet is going through something so be nice.

Watch the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why. If you don't have a Netflix account watch it on and I think
The first parts of Shannon were inspired by 13 Reasons Why.

If you are suicidal and live in the U.S call 1-800-273-8255 (Suicide Hotline)
If you don't live in the U.S please search on Google for suicide lines in your country.

Listen to the song 1-800-273-8255 by Logic ft Alessia Cara & Kalid (simply type in 1-800 by Logic on YouTube and the song will pop up)
Also search on YouTube Logic performs 1-800 VMA's and watch till the end

You are not alone, it may seem or feel like you are but you aren't. Someone cares about you, I care ♥️


Every action has a reaction
Every action has a consequence.

Don't forget to say Happy Birthday to Shannon



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