Chapter 12

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-Blake's P.O.V-

I lean in to kiss her.

-Rachel's P.O.V-

Do I let this happen?
Uh... no

He opens his eyes and he looks at me with confusion. "I'm hungry, let's go grab food downstairs," I say getting up. I feel the sting of regret in my heart. And I feel his disappointment. I'm sorry Blake, things aren't the same anymore. He opens the door for me and we walk out. We go to the kitchen and make ourselves sandwiches like old times.
"You know what would look great on you Rachel?" He says.
"This," he says this and he smears mayonnaise on my face.
"Ah better," he says chuckling. I grab the humus and I smear it all over his face. He takes more mayonnaise and I take more humus into my hands and we rub it all over each other laughing. Molly, Em and Jake step in as we are fighting.
"So both of you are going to buy me mayo and humus?" Molly says laughing.
"Of course," Blake and I say laughing.
"Good," says Molly giggling. She hands Blake and I towels to wipe our faces off.
"So what were you two doing?" asks Jake.
"We were making sandwiches and we got into a food fight," says Blake.
"I was asking Rachel."
"You didn't say 'Rachel, so what were you two doing' you just said 'so what were you two doing'," Blake says, they eye ball each other.
"Um... what Blake said Jake," I say. Wiping the mayo off the tip of my nose. "And done. Thanks Molly for the towels," I say. "You're welcome sweetie," she says. We all stand there in an uncomfortable silence. "I'm going to join the others on the dance floor," says Blake. With that he exists, so it's me, Em, Jake and Molly. "I need to go help Cassy," Molly says, and she leaves. Me, Em and Jake. "I'm going to get fresh air by the patio," I say. "Let me come with you," Jake says. "It would be rude to leave Em here, I mean you did come with her. Stay with her," I say. With that I make my way to the patio.

I breathe in the amazing oxygen. "Ah sweet sweet air."
"Hello Rachel."
I turn around and dear lord... I didn't think he would ever come to AshVille.
"What do you want Chris?" I say
"Oh nothing, I just wanted to say hi," he says as he walks over to me. Before he could say anything Blake came. "Chris?" Blake says in confusion. "Ah, we are all here together, just like old times but wait we are missing Shannon," says Chris.
"Why are you here?" Blake says. "You need to find out," he says, "you need to go to State Park and near Shannons favorite bench. On the right side of the bench, dig and dig until you find something that meant the world to Shannon."
Blake and I look at him in confusion. "When you get there, there'll also be a clue for your next destination," he says. "Why are we doing this?" I say. "Well why not go to State Park and find out. And hurry before it rains."
Chris leaves us alone. "You think we should go?" I say. "Knowing Chris, yes. We will use my car," he says, but we will need to stop for gas. Let's go."
As we leave Jake stops us when we are out the door. "Where are you guys going?" He asks. "To... the gas station, we will be back," I say. "Can I come?" He asks. "No!" Blake and I say in union. "I mean, ask Blake, it's his car and he is my ride home." "Oh," says Jake. "Okay bye," I say. Blake and I quickly rush to his car.

We get to the filling station and I go in the 24 hour shop and buy snacks for the road. It'll be a long 1 hour 30 minutes drive. When I get out Blake is finished. He has taken off his leather jacket. Damn you're really sexy. I get into the car with the plastic and I take out two Red Bull's for him. He enters he car and sees them. "Thanks Rachy," he says. "You remember that nickname still?" I ask laughing. "Yep," he says smiling. He takes two gulps of Red Bull and we get going.

I connect my phone to his radio by Bluetooth and I play Pity Party, Soap, Training Wheels, Carousel, Cake and Teddy Bear. After they are finished there's a song that made Blake and I realized we loved each other. All Of Me starts playing. "Blake..."
"Yes Rachel?"
"I miss you."
"I'm miss you too."
"I'm sorry Rachel," he says.
"I forgive you. And Blake I'm sorry."
"I forgive you."
"New start?" He asks.
"New start," I say. And with that he holds my hand.
And I know what you're thinking OH MY GOD WHERE IS THE DRAMA AND ALL THAT??!!! Honey i ain't  got no time for drama.

After 1 and a half hours we get to State Park. It's is currently 11pm. The gates are never locked. We enter and we quickly go to Shannons bench. We dig both sides of the bench. I take the right, he takes the left.

After 10 minutes I find Shannon's anklet bracelet. She never took it off because her mom gave it to her before she passed away. "Blake I found her anklet bracelet," I say. "That's cool, well I found the next clue."

Your next destination is a place where she dreamed of becoming a star.

"Well, I think I know where this place is," I say. "Please don't say L.V (lakeville)," he says groaning. "Yep. We'll go tomorrow morning."
"Can I stay over at your place so that we don't waste a lot of time in the morning?" Blake asks. "Um.. okay sure," I say.

Ring ring
Ring ring

Rachel: hi dad
Dad: hi Rachel, so tomorrow evening isn't coming through. So the business trip is until Thursday. You can take care of yourself... right?
Rachel: yes dad
Dad: if you need me or help, I'm one call away, except from 4am-9am and 8pm-10pm
Rachel: okay, where is your meeting?
Dad: Hong Kong
Rachel: m..Kay bye
Dad: bye, I love you
Rachel: I love you too

I drop the phone. I take the bracelet and Blake takes the clue.

We get to my house. Blake decides to take a shower in the guest bathroom. Before we got to my house we went to his and he packed his things. I take a shower in my bathroom. When I get out I wear tight - fairly loose pj pants and I wear a skin tight vest. I tie my hair up in a bun. I go downstairs and the sight is unbelievable.

Blake is shirtless and his abs were crafted by the gods. His jawline could cut my lip. His sweatpants fit nicely around his waist. He looks at me and I blush.

-Blake's P.O.V-

When I see Rachel, I'm moonstruck. Her hair is in a messy bun and it complements her face. Her lips are a beautiful natural pink. Her vest makes her breasts look amazing, her pants curve right round her ass beautifully. We look at each other. I walk to her and she puts her hands around my neck and my hands are on her waist. I look at her. I lean in to kiss her.

My lips and her lips join together. Her lips taste like the universe. Her kiss shows me a world of excitement, happiness, sadness and the most amazing of all; love. Her lips taste like the sun, shining into dark corners, her lips taste of night. What's day without a little night? Our lips move in a rhythm, like a song only we can hear through our lips. I pick her up and place her on the counter. She sucks my earlobe, she then goes down and kisses my jawline. She proceeds to my neck. She's sucking and licking. She looks me in the eyes and in that moment our souls danced together. I kiss her forehead and we stay like that. We both look each other in the eye and we both see the universe and stars. Rachel is my universe.

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