Chapter 9: Farming with a drill sergeant and- KYAAAA!! (2)

Start from the beginning

(A-ah, I believe I've made a sadist...)

Casting my glare to my three brothers, they understood the underlying threat as they worked harder on their own task. I believe the other guardians also got the message, judging by how hard working they suddenly seemed.

Smiling brightly, I turned and swiped the heavy scythe- a farming scythe- easily with one hand and cut off several blades of grass and wheat. A dark and demonic looking background hazed behind me while I maintained my sparkly smile.

I did not notice the boys suddenly pausing to look at my handiwork and shivering before going back to work.

"What's next on the list?" I asked.


We were sitting in the kitchen once all the farm work was finished for the day. The Vongola and my brothers were ready to keel over. They all looked filthy and smelled weird, but thanks to the power of anime, I was still able to look great.

Of course, Ren was once again safely nested around my neck while Mike followed me around the kitchen. I started to brew some tea for the boys.

"Well then, that was quite an experience." I commented, smiling softly as I watched Lampo, Finne, and Alba curl up in there chair, pass out.

The others looked dead tired, but still quite awake in the meant time. I set the tray of tea on the table and each of them gratefully took it. For the ones who were unconscious, I went over to the living room to grab a few blankets.

Outsider POV:

When Soren left the room, all heads swerved toward Giotto.

There was a moment of silence before Knuckle shook his head. "Well, she's your fiancée. Good luck, Giotto. May the lord be with you."

Said blonde looked like he was going to cry. She was so gentle sounding in her letters, why is she so ruthless now?


He shook away that thought. Soren was of better character now, or at least he hoped. His hyper intuition told him that she might be hiding something from them, so he was aware that he shouldn't trust her.

Remember the plan, Giotto.

"I'm back."

Giotto was so deeply in his thoughts that a soft, melodic voice startled him.

The bespectacled raven haired beauty stood in the doorway with a bundle of blankets in her arms. She held a soft smile, the same smile that Giotto has been spoiled by lately.

For the occupants in the room, they all felt that they were being overly indulged by her smiles.

Despite the farming, she still looked the same. Not a single filth on her person and smelling as nice as she has before. Far different from her past self. The one they hope she will never choose to become again.

Because hell will ensue when that happens.

Unexpectedly, Soren took the blankets and gently placed it around Lampo and her two older brothers, Finne and Alba. Unbeknownst to her, she has finally won a sense of respect and admiration within everyone in that room.

The Primo's Wife- Scratch that, I'm doing this my way (KHR fanfic)(Giotto x OC)Where stories live. Discover now