What the hell would I even talk to her about anyway? She doesn't want anything to do with me.

When I hear a knock at the door, I put my glass down on the table and get up, sighing as I walk over to the door.

My heart flips a little when I take in the familiar face. "Taylor?" I say, confused. "Aren't you meant to be in Seattle?"

My throat has gone dry because her being here means that she'll see Jenna.

Now I'm just hoping that Jenna stays up in that bedroom for a long time.

Taylor nods slowly, eyes trailing down my bare upper body before quickly snapping up to look into my eyes. "Yeah," she says. "I, um, decided to come back early . . ." She trails off, eyes landing on my chest again. She scratches her forehead frustratedly. "Do you mind putting a shirt on? I can't really think."

I chuckle nervously. "Give me a sec," I say, starting to walk into the apartment.

Taylor follows me in and my heart falls to the floor when I see Jenna coming down the stairs.

Her eyes land on Taylor and she looks at me, raising her eyebrows. "I had fun tonight," she says loudly, making sure that Taylor hears. "Maybe we could do this again?"

I'm about to say something, but Taylor interrupts me. "He can't," she tells Jenna, crossing her arms and glaring.

Jenna looks at Taylor, unimpressed. "And who the fuck are you? His girlfriend?" she snaps.

Taylor laughs. "Can't you tell he's not interested?" she asks, nodding towards me. "God, you really reek of desperation."

Jenna turns to look at me and I just shrug and she storms out my apartment, muttering some curse words under her breath.

Taylor turns to look at me and arches an eyebrow. "You really know how to pick 'em," she comments with a chuckle.

I tilt my head and squint, wondering if under that smile, she's jealous or not?

Without saying a word, Taylor walks towards me and wraps her arms around me.

I freeze for a couple of seconds before wrapping my arms around her and burying my face in her hair.

She smells so good.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I quickly pull away from her. "What are you doing here, Taylor?" I ask, slightly aggressively. "You said you don't want anything to do with me, yet you show up at my apartment? Are you playing with me? Trying to hurt me to get back at me?"

Taylor shakes her head furiously. "Just because you hurt me doesn't mean I'm going to hurt you, Abel," she whispers, hand on my chest. "I'm not that kind of person."

"Okay, then what are you doing here?" I want to know, hands by my side now.

"I need to tell you something;" Taylor says now, shifting around. "When I was in Seattle, I found out . . ." She trails off, taking a deep breath in. "I don't know how to say this, I just . . ." She rakes a hand through her hair. "You're going to be so angry with me -"

"Spit it out, Taylor!" I snap, getting frustrated.

Taylor squeezes her eyes shut. "I'm pregnant."

I take a step back. "What?" I exclaim. "What do you mean you're pregnant?"

"I mean, you stuck your dick in my vagina, cummed inside me and got me pregnant!" Taylor snaps, glaring at me.

"How many weeks are you?" I question.

We done a pregnancy test two months ago and that came out negative, so she must've got pregnant after that.

"Weeks?" Taylor laughs now. "Abel, I'm three months pregnant!"

My mouth falls open. "What?" I ask, heart thumping against my chest.

Taylor nods. "Yeah, my reaction exactly," she whispers. "The pregnancy test we done was wrong."

My head is pounding and I rake a hand through my hair, letting out a long, raggedy breath.

She's actually pregnant with my child. I'm going to be a Dad.

The only person I ever envisioned myself having a family with was with Jasmine.

"How long have you known?" I ask now in a quiet voice, twisting my neck to look at Taylor.

She chews her lip. "Five days," she tells me.

"Five days?!" I echo in an angry tone. "And you couldn't tell me the moment you found out?!"

"It's not something you say through a phone call!" Taylor protests, trying to defend herself. "I wanted to tell you face-to-face, Abel! I was going to come back the night I found out but I just needed to stay and figure out things."

"Figure out what exactly?" I growl, hitting the wall beside me.

Taylor clenches her teeth. "If I even wanted to tell you about the baby," she says, staring at me with dead eyes.

"So, what? You wasn't going to tell me you were pregnant with my child?" I scream, going right up in her face.

Taylor glares at me and pushes me away roughly from her. "I don't fucking trust you!" she sneers. "And if I don't trust you, how do you fucking expect me to bring up a child with you?"

"You're a selfish bitch, you know that?" I ask, pointing a finger at her.

Taylor slaps my finger away from her face. "If I'm selfish for wanting to keep this child away from his or her's pathetic drug dealer asshole of a Dad, then selfish I am."

I grind my teeth together angrily. "Get the fuck out of my apartment!" I shout.

Taylor just laughs bitterly. "I knew I shouldn't have fucking come back!" she says. "I should've fucking stayed in Seattle and never told you about this child! It'll be better off without you, anyway!"

Her words catch me completely off guard and I stare at her for a long time, the anger fizzling away and being replaced with hurt and sadness.

Within a couple of seconds, the anger returns again and I grab Taylor roughly by the arm before dragging her out of my apartment.

I slam the door shut without saying a word to her.

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