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1 month later


Me and Abel have been fucking around for the past month now. We're like animals - always going at it 24/7.

But I've been seeing him less this past week, which annoys and frustrates the fuck out of me. What the hell is he doing?

My phone starts ringing and I frown when I see that Justin's FaceTiming me. We haven't even talked properly since we broke up - so much for being friends. But then again, I didn't exactly put in the effort to stay in contact and neither did he - it was just too painful I guess.

I answer the call now and the image of him smiling appears. "Hi?" I say, unsure.

"Hey," Justin replies. "Sorry I haven't been in contact."

I shake my head. "No," I say. "Don't be silly. I haven't really made an effort, either."

Justin nods and there's a painful silence. "Hey, so," he says. "I thought I'd tell you because I didn't want you to hear it from anyone else. I'm . . . kind of in a relationship."

My heart stops for a second. What was I expecting? For him to stay single? "Oh . . . um," I say, unsure what to say. Should I tell him about Abel? "I'm happy for you, Justin. Seriously. I'm glad you're moving on."

Justin nods, smiling. "And you?" he wants to know. "Have you moved on?"

I sigh and look away from the screen, before looking back at Justin. "Kind of, I guess," I say. "I don't know. It's not anything serious right now." And it never will be, I think to myself.

"That's good," Justin says, nodding. "I'm happy for you."

"Likewise," I say, smiling.

"How's college?" he wants to know.

I groan. "Ugh, the worst!" I say. "I hate it. It's draining. All these assignments and readings are just stressing me out. I'm literally considering dropping out."

"What are you going to do instead?" Justin questions.

"I have no idea," I say. "Get a job?" But as what? I literally have zero experience. I think I'll just have to carry on and suffer in silence.

"Well, I hope you work things out," Justin says. "I have to go. It was nice speaking to you."

"You, too, Justin," I say, smiling. "Bye." I hang up and sigh, looking at the time. It's ten o'clock - Abel should be awake. I hope he's home.

I fling my phone on the bed and go downstairs. Just when I'm about to step out the front door, I stop in my tracks when I see him kissing some blonde-haired girl.

Oh, so that's what he's been doing.

Feeling annoyed, I continue to watch them. "I'll see you tonight?" the girl says, causing the anger to build up inside me. The fuck? Nah. She ain't seeing him tonight - I am.

"Yeah, I don't think that's going to happen," Abel says now. "I only do one night stands."

I roll my eyes at his asshole ways. Funnily enough, me and him have continued to fuck - it wasn't just a one night thing. Maybe that's why he's not been around - because he doesn't want to carry on fucking around, since he only does 'one night stands.'

party monster | the weekndDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora