thirty one

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"How long do we have to wait again?" Ella asks me as she walks up and down the bedroom.

"Three minutes," I tell her, growing slightly frustrated at the sight of her pacing around. "Can you just stop fucking walking around?"

Ella stops and turns to look at me, raising her eyebrows. Sighing, she walks over to me and lays down beside me on the bed as we wait for the three minutes to be up.

I don't know why I allowed her to talk me into doing a pregnancy test. I mean, I'm not pregnant and I sure as hell don't feel pregnant.

I mean, I would definitely know if there is another human growing inside me - I'm not stupid.

I look down at the timer, wanting desperately for it to hurry up to three minutes.

"Are you going to tell your Mum that you're pregnant?" I ask Ella. "You know, if you are."

Ella turns to look at me, chewing her lip. "I don't know, Tay," she whispers, voice full of worry. "I mean, I am going to tell Bryson if I am - he's going to be the first person I tell, but my mum? She's going to kill me."

I rake a hand through my hair. "I'm sure she'll understand," I say softly. "She did get pregnant with you when she was your age."

Ella looks at me and makes a face. "The woman has spent her whole life making sure I don't make the same mistakes as her," she says with a sigh. "She's going to be so disappointed in me."

"Or she'll be excited?" I suggest, trying to make her feel better.

Ella scoffs. "No she won't!" she exclaims. "She doesn't even know about Bryson, Taylor!"

I sigh heavily before freezing when I hear the timer go off. "Three minutes," I say, looking at Ella with a thumping heart.

Just as we're about to turn over the pregnancy sticks, the door opens, causing me to grab the sticks and shove them in the bedside draw hastily.

"Mum!" I exclaim, grabbing my phone and locking it, so she doesn't see the timer. "Can't you knock?"

My mum chuckles and arches an eyebrow. "Hey, just cause you're all grown up and going college doesn't mean you can talk to me like that, young lady!" she scolds with a smile.

I laugh weakly. "You're right," I say. "I'm sorry, Mum."

"I just came to tell you both that dinner will be ready soon," my mum tells me.

I look at Ella, who shifts uncomfortably in her place. "Me and Ella already ate," I say to my mum quickly.

"Oh!" my mum exclaims. "Okay. I'll just leave you two to catch up then."

I nod and smile, watching as my mum leaves the room.

Taking a deep breath in, I open the bedside draw and grab the two pregnancy sticks from it.

"Fuck," I curse, looking down at them. "They're mixed up. I don't know whose is whose."

"Fuck," Ella mutters. "Okay, let's just turn them around and see the result and then we can do it again?"

I nod and turn the sticks over,  my heart falling out of my chest as I see the result.

One positive and one negative.

Ella peers over and slumps back against the bed. "Who's do you think that is?" she asks.

"Yours, definitely yours!" I say quickly, panicking. "I'm not pregnant. I did a pregnancy test before and it said negative. I'm not pregnant."

Ella just gives me an unreadable look. "Here," she says, grabbing her bag and handing me the pregnancy test box, while she takes one for herself. "We'll do it again."

I shake my head, frowning. "No," I say. "Why do I have to do it again? I know for a fact that I'm not pregnant. I don't feel pregnant."

"Oh my God, Taylor!" Ella whisper-yells, rubbing her temples frustratedly. "Stop with the 'p' word!"

My heart thumps against my chest. "Right," I say, voice shaking. "Sorry."

"Let's just get this over with," Ella mumbles, hopping off the bed and going to the bathroom.

I lean my head against the bed, thinking to myself.

Why the fuck did I have to throw the pregnancy sticks into my draw when I could've just put a pillow on them and stopped it from getting mixed up?

I'm such a dumb fuck!

I think back to when me and Abel done the pregnancy and saw that it was negative.

There's no way that positive one can be mine - it's Ella's. 100% hers.

Ella comes back into the room and I quickly get up and go to the bathroom, not saying a word.

My hands shake as I pee on the stick and I quickly close the cap before flushing the toilet, washing my hands and leaving the bathroom with the pregnancy stick shoved in my back pocket.

"We'll just look at it after five minutes or something," Ella tells me in a quiet voice. "Since you went after me."

I nod and cross my arms, chewing my lip. "There's no way mine is the positive one," I mumble, staring up the ceiling.

Ella twists her neck to look at me. "You know pregnancy tests don't always work, right?" she tells me. "Sometimes they tell you you're pregnant when you're not and sometimes they tell you you're not pregnant when you are."

I bite my lip, not saying a word and think to myself.

If I'm pregnant, that means I'm pregnant with the child of the guy that could've got me sent to prison, the guy that I also love, but can't love entirely because I don't trust him.

This will just complicate everything between the two of us even more than what it already is.

Me and Ella stay silent for the rest of the remaining minutes, staring up at the ceiling.

"Let's turn our own ones, okay?" Ella asks once the time is up and I nod slowly,  gulping.

We flip over the pregnancy sticks at the same time.

"Shit," I mutter, staring down at mine with a thumping heart and dry throat. "I am dumb."

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