Chapter 14 *Ray*

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Maybell was gone. I could tell by the redness in her eyes that her wolf had stolen control of her body. When your wolf takes control there is nothing you can do, your not you anymore. Maybell is not Maybell - now she is a wild animal that would kill anyone without a second thought.

And she would remember nothing that happened tonight.

No, she would awake confused.

Maddy is what I called Maybells wolf. I never told her this but I just liked naming everyone's wolf to make it less confusing - and it could get confusing. Maddy and Maybell are two different people. One with humanity and one without.

Maddy was racing to Cam, at first I thought it was because she hated him, but then I noticed that this was not the case.


Maddy was mated to Cam.

Maddy was mated to Cody.

Yet Maddy liked me.

Maddy was a slut. Not Maybell, oh it was not here fault. Yet, rare as it is, a werewolf can have two mates... but they always nearly fought to the death. The last one known was a he-wolf named Mich, the she-wolfs both loved him so much they killed him because they could not stand the other to have him. Then the two she-wolfs killed themselves.

Sad ending.

Maddy hit Cam and they both toppled over, Maddy landed on his bare chest happily and started to lick and nibble at his neck, her tail going ninety miles and hour. Cam was chuckling, trying to hide it but failing. He easily got onto his knees and petted her, he seemed nearly as happy as Maddy was.

Finally he stood up. There was a fair amount of distance between our packs, all lined up. I switched back and pulled but my shorts, like Cody, Logan, and Kyle. Cody was livid, his eyes were going from brown to red and back again.

"You need to release our packs, Cam." I snarled, letting the matter with Maddy go - for now.

"I will. But I want Maybell." Maddy's head cocked to the side, she was sitting on Cam's feet and he was petting behind her ears. A simple warning in itself: don't come any closer or else.

"NO!" Cody roared and went at Cam, luckily Kyle and Logan grabbed onto him. Logan, he was the Alpha of the Monster Pack. He was a monster too, he was thick with muscle like all of the men in his pack. I did not know their training but it had to be good to get them results.

"Then we fight, don't worry, I don't need your packs anymore - so the ones who aren't released will... die?" Cam laughed and gave his command.

I turned wolf, my shorts ripping. Our packs hit, wolfs tore at each other, howls and blood. Before long bodies were everywhere.

Cody had went after Cam who slipped away with a group of wolfs and Maddy, who was all to eager to follow Cam to the end of the earth. It was not because she liked Cam more than Cody, though she most likely did, it was also because he was an Alpha of a high pack - while Cody was just a number Cam was powerful and would have more powerful children.

I was trying to follow after then but two wolfs jumped in my way. I lunged at the biggest, hitting him but not getting a good bite.

The other one was able to bite my ankle, I turned around and ripped into his neck. The big one snarled and knocked me over. I bite a chunk out of his cheek snarling. Sandy came and tackled him off of me, and then killed him quickly.

I had thought Dylan was making her stay home....

I got up but fell down.

My ankle was broken and I was in the middle of a battle field.


I sighed and limped as fast as I could towards the trees, I could follow Cam and Cody easier without watching my back as much.

I never made it.

Five wolfs lunged towards me, snarling and ready to end my life.

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