Chapter 7

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My face was set in a deep frown. My eyes numb and red... Ray got away, yes... but the others did not. None of them - and our pack was huge. I sniffed and held onto Ray's hand tightly - we had to get them all back... we had to save them. Two against about two hundred wolfs... it would not be a long battle.

"Maybe Kyle can help," I said finally. It had taken Ray just about all day to spit it out - that our pack was taken...

"I can send out a message to Logan from the Monster Pack. I know he'll help - he owes me anyway." Ray said sadly. I agreed, we were leading off them all off to their deaths... but we had to try something, no pack member left behind - ever.

I sat still and listened. Animals ran around with each other playing, a fox hunted a rabbit towards the left, a creek was running not far ahead... I loved the woods, of course Ray loved them as well. Yet, with everything that has happened in these woods... it made the calm seem like a lie.

"If we make it I want to move." Relocating a pack was hard. Relocating a Rogue pack... nearly impossible but I knew that Ray and I could do it. Ray could do anything if he tried.

"Of course, Sweetheart, anything for you." Ray sighed softly and kissed my forehead moving to stand up. Not only was I holding his hand... I had been sitting between him - taking all of his warmth since it was very cold. Of course if it was very cold to a werewolf them poor humans had to be freezing their butts off.

I stood and was covered with the chill. Ray noticed and hugged me tightly to his side while we walked back in human form - we were not far from Dylan's house. We didn't dare...

At the door Ray left me with a smile to go and contact Logan. I watched him go, sadly, but finally headed inside the warm house. It was a relief and a pain as the hot air hit my body, putting pain in my hands and nose.

"Are you okay?" I glanced up to see Cody eyeing me with concern - like he was about to grab a blanket and force me by the calm fire someone had made. "Who let you in?" I was in no mood to fight or argue - my wolf could so easily take over if she wanted but lucky or not she was in no mood either.

"Look, I'm not the bad guy anymore - I'm sorry for-" Cody began sitting on the part of the couch that was against the wall. I was on the right side of it.

"Do not finish that or I will kill you." I said - it was not a lie. Cody rejected me, the least he could do was stand by his decision, however stupid it was.

"May..." I looked up and saw his dark eyes looking sorry - really sorry... but for how long? Until Monica asks for a night out, or Ashley remembers his name... he should be a man and move on - it is his fault...

"Thank you." My sudden change startled Cody. "Without your rejection I would never have met my pack. Learned to do something I was so good at - kicking butt. Without your rejection I'd never know Ray." The last part I had to add. Mean, maybe a little, but still.

"Your welcome." Cody - with a deep frown and sorry eyes left the room like a whipped puppy. I tried to not feel guilty... though it was quite hard. 'The kiss - that's why. Being with him like that made us closer to him. Won't be long before your craving little things - and big...' My wolf explained tiredly.

I sighed, just want I needed. More bonding with Cody. I stood my shoulders slouched, and I made my way to the kitchen where Cody, Kyle, and Dylan were cleaning up supper - Sandy had them on her finger.

"Kyle, there is a war coming." It was a blunt statement. Kyle stopped and looked at me with a cocked head. "Ray is calling Logan - I'm sure you know him. Anyway, do you think you can help us get our pack back?" I asked leaning on the wall and messing my hair up.

"Yeah, anything and everything for you May." I smiled sightly and headed upstairs. Ray would come up when he got back. It seemed like the new sleeping arrangement. I couldn't care though - why would I care.

Changing and seeing the bright big moon made a small smile come to play again. I went and curled into my bed - Ray was back and so I didn't have to go to school... but mom and dad were trying to force me.

Why did it seem a year ago things were easy... but blind almost? A year ago I'd be laughing downstairs or worrying - sobbing that the boys were going to war for a stranger who'd I hate with a burning passion for putting everyone in danger.

A year ago things didn't seem brutal.

Yet, now... I was happy - things were had and scary and I didn't know if I'd see Damon or anyone else again... but I was happy.

I sighed, happy, happy, happy...



So... a new book name?

Yes, I love My Mate From Hell... but Cody isn't excatly HELL is he? He's a jerk a player, and stupid, but not really hell.

SO comment and maybe if I like or love it enough I'll change this story to that?

THANKS!!! and THANKS for the comments, voting, and fanning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Rose

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