Chapter 9

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"Leave him alone, he didn't want you then and he doesn't need you now!" Ashley and her two friends Lia and Grace cornered me after the pack meeting. Mason had joined the cause - we were getting our pack back.

"Hmm, as good as that sounds - no." I pressed away from her and smirked a little, she had not been expecting a "No," she expected a "Please don't hurt me,".

"I'm going to get you - your going to pay!" Ashley yelled at my back, having to have the last word, no doubt.

I did not bother to respond. For one I was in a good mood, and two I don't see Ashley as a threat - was I wrong, would she trick me and do something horrible, monstrous... I could not see her doing such, so I pushed it out of my mind.

Today was the day Cody and I had detention. Fun right? I walked into the room marked 123 - never have I been in this room before. Why would I have been - I'm a good kid, not a bad one... Until now, but you could hardly call note-passing and sighing bad.

I entered the room and saw Mr. Quinn reading an old time book about the war - Mr. Quinn is a History buff and why he is not a History teacher is beyond me. Instead Mr. Quinn is the gym teacher and football trainer. Cody was already here, sitting in the back corner.

One of the lights had busted out, so Cody was in a ray of darkness in the strangely bright room. I paused for a moment - he had not noticed me. If we were a normal couple he would have because of the mating bond we had yet to complete - if we ever will...

I made up my mind and walked over to were he was sitting. Cody looked up surprised but smiled all the same. It lit his face.

"Hello, how was your day?" Small talk, thanks Cody.

"It was okay - got cornered by some stupid." I smiled a little while Cody's head turned to one side. "You know - Ashley and her little friends." I explained making Cody wince and rub his neck in a guilty way.

"What happened?" He asked not meeting my smirking glaze. I was maybe being to harsh but it was fun to mess with him. It was rude but... "Oh nothing, just told me to stay away or face her evil, nasty, morning breath."

Cody laughed loudly and I snickered. Why was I in such a good mood today... I myself had no idea but still... I looked around the room with a knowing glaze - Tom was a bad kid, stole money and stole drugs from what I heard around before, then again if he sold drugs why did he need to steal money? Some gossip never made since.

It was another cold day: winter was coming soon. As well as the fight. Only one real week to prepare and get ready for the events ahead... the colder it got the worse the feeling would get, numbing my body and eating my mind: what was going to happen, what was so bad that I could not get it out of my mind?

"May?" I repressed my thoughts and forced the blurry questions and no answers away. Cody had a question. "Will you go out with me tomorrow?" The last thing I thought he would say.

Will you go out with me tomorrow? It reminded me of that saying: will you love me tomorrow? Maybe he spoke it like that on purpose... then again it was Cody so it was very questionable.

"Yes, I guess I can fit you in." I sighed then gave him a little smile, "Are you worried about the fight?"

"Not really," Cody said with a frown, he looked up at the cracked window and then rubbed his face, "I have a bad feeling."

It was weird. My mouth fell open with a small popping sound and I stared at him amazed - he had a bad feeling like I had a bad feeling... if we both had bad feelings then something really bad might happen...

"It's okay," He soothed - seeing to guess I wasn't exactly happy about everything. "What does that mean?" I cried more mad than upset, "The last bad feeling I had you rejected me!"

I hadn't meant to say it like that, but it did not matter. Cody gave me a sad smile and put one arm around me to comfort me. I was now shaking - bad feelings go so far... Cody had a bad feeling it would involve people he loved: he had no one but me. It was rude but boys don't bond with boys the way us girls bond with each other do...

If this bad feeling involved me it had to involve Dylan or Kyle or Eric or.... or.... Ray.


DO You think Ashley is a threat?

Do you think I'm gonna hurt someone? Little old me?...


Okay so... has anyone read the Gone books by Michael Grant? Cuz I'm reading Fear (4th book) and it SO good - I highly suggest you read them. Unluckily their not on Watt pad:( but their still amazing.


Oh, and if anyone wants to make a cover? I don't like this one :( send it to me if you do - P.M THANKS!!!

- Rose

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