Pictures :) and Casting

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Hey everyone!! I'm gonna upload chapter 6 I think it is (I have BAD memory). I wanted to show you all the HUGE pack that is the Blue Moon pack. and of course Ray and Cody...

I also wanted to say thank you all for the reads, votes, and comments!! I sit down and just laugh at what you all say - and really I don't know who May is going to end up with. I know some people plan out things start to fiish but if that's the case where is the fun - the turns and twists? Nowhere.


And back to the casting - to the right there is the little bar thingy and the viedo should be there if not take the external link to my Photoshop to watch.

Commet on whether or not you think I got Cody and Ray right... it was SO hard - no one was perfect enough or badass enough - you know? *Sigh*

Enojoy though!!!! :)

SORRY theres no music - my comptuer crashed and deleted it all :(

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