Chapter 2

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I awoke slowly. I saw my clock which read 2:09 P.M Tuesday. I frowned and tried to remember what happened and slowly it all came back. Cody rejecting me and crying - I don't think I ever cried so much in my life.

I sighed and stood up. My legs were stiff and sore. Looking down I saw that someone, most likely Kyle or Dylan, had put me in a pink tank top and pink booty shorts. I didn't bother opening my window - I didn't feel like greeting the world today or getting blinded by the amazing warm sun.

The bare floor made my feet cold but it was more of a numbing than the chills I had gotten everyday before. I had started to wonder why I was upset but then I remembered - Cody. It seemed as though my wolf was doing everything and anything to make us forget about the rejection.

I went into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked horrible - my black hair was all over the place, my eyes were broken and the area around them red and puffy. I was still crying, silent tears I hadn't noticed slipped out.

I was about to turn the shower on but I didn't want a shower... so instead I drew a bath. I use to hate baths, so why I was making one now was beyond me, I also found myself pouring in bubbles. The pink tube slipped into the bathtub before I could stop it. I let my hand dip into the burning hot water and I pulled the slippery tube out.

After my long bath I went into my room and stared around. It was a wonder why I never just looked at my room before - I was always up and ready to go. My walls were a pale green and my floor was a hard floor with bark carved into it.

I sighed again and made my way to the closet. I put on a fitting shirt and jean shorts - I let my hair hang knotted and wet. I really wasn't in the mood to force it straight or in a pony tail... actually I was over buns and pony tails. I was also over driving to school with Dylan and Kyle, and opening my window everyday, I was done eating with my family - it was time for a change.

I walked down the hallway and listened for any sound - nothing. I was alone. It was amusing that they'd leave me in the state I had been in but I wasn't angry. I made my way into the kitchen and stopped. Normally I'd want eggs and bacon... but not today... so I went and grabbed an apple and went out the back door.

While I was eating I went towards the woods. I hadn't had a run in forever, so I finished my apple in four bites and I stripped naked. After hanging my clothes on a tree I turned wolf. My wolf was a small dark grey with the tip of her tail white.

I began running as fast as I could. The trees and bushes blurred around me as I ran with one mission in mind - getting away. I put both paws forward and hurled myself towards the unknown. I wasn't about to stop until I was near death - that much I knew, then I'd have a long, long, trip back home...


I yelped as something big and hard hit me, forcing me onto my side. At the speed I was going we were both lucky we hadn't got hurt... I got up and the world spun - the sky seemed like the ground for a moment before finally settling out.

I looked at the wolf that had hit me and felt fear settle in. He was a big brown wolf with evil looking eyes. Angrily the male Rogue bared his teeth and lowered his head to snarl at me. I whimpered and fell onto my back like the coward I suddenly felt like.

I really did expect the Rogue to kill me where I laid, but he didn't. He cocked his head to one side and then, with no manors, he turned back into his human form.

I felt my eyes widen as I stared at the naked man, he was maybe twenty years old with a ripped body. He had dark brown hair that was kind of shaggy and dark brown eyes which looked warm and friendly - I knew better though. I watched - feeling like a stalker, as he slipped on black shorts but held onto his t-shirt.

"Shift back," He ordered giving me a dirty look. I paused - shift back and be naked in front of him? I don't think so.

I snagged the grey shirt from his hands with my teeth and went behind a thick tree. After shifting and putting on his shirt, that fell to my knees, I padded back to him but stopped a good distance away.

"Your on Rogue land, Miss." The man said watching me narrowed eyed, "Why are your crying?" He added softer.

Great I was still crying and now he thought I was weak - and in Rogue land if your weak your meat.

"Sorry. I didn't know... my mate rejected me yesterday and I decided to get lost for a while." I said trying to smile at the man but I couldn't. Everything my daddy told me about Rogues came back - how the raped women, killed mates, tortured children... and here I was on their land...

"What's your name and pack?" He questioned. He started to move around me, staring at my body with narrow, hungry, eyes.

"My name is May, my pack is the Blue Moon pack." I said my stomach knotting nearly as bad as my hair is. I felt the man pick up a piece of my knotted, damp, black hair and sniff.

A shutter ran through me. If I had to pick a way to die it would not be like this... I blamed Cody - I mean if he would have taken me none of this would have happened... or maybe I should blame myself - I knew the dangers of the woods, every wolf is taught about the wild animals, Rogues, and not to meant the normal wolfs - some would think normal wolves would like us... but they don't... if they can they will rip you to pieces and then eat you.

"I feel like being nice, sweetheart. I'm Ray by the way... now you have some choices one is die... two is become a slave... and three is get trained up and come and join our cause." Ray laughed a little as if he had told me a funny joke. His laugh was loud and it boomed around us - but his laugh also made me feel safe in a weird way...

I didn't want to die today. I didn't want to be a sex slave either... So I had to join... I guess it could be worse - yes my family will miss me for a while but they'll get over it... and besides - I don't really want to spend my life watching Cody and Monica have babies together.

OUCH! I whimpered at that thought. Then quickly refrained myself. "It would be an honor to join your pack, Alpha Ray." I said quietly.

Ray laughed, "Just Ray for you Sweetheart." He said and he took my hand in his rough one. "Come on, you need to meet the others." I forced a smile and followed Ray into the dark forest...


Dylan got home late. His nose was gushing blood and his hands were bleeding as well - not as bad as his nose though. Dylan went straight to the stairs with Kyle on his heels.

"Stupid freak," Kyle growled. He didn't have a mark on him because he had been trained to well to get hurt in a school yard fight. He was the soon-to-be-Alpha after all.

"Think I broke his jaw?" Dylan asked Kyle referring to the beating they had laid on Cody Marshall. Dylan went into the hall bathroom and grabbed the Med Kit out from under the sink. The door left off a squeak when he roughly opened it.

"I think so," Kyle said slowly thinking about his answer carefully.

May had not told them what had happened - but she did sleep talk, and her whimpers about her mate Cody and what he had said was enough to make the two boys turn into real wolfs.

Cody hadn't be expecting a jump after school - he expected an argument, but not a full out fist fight. He had held his own pretty well but still got bruised up... then again it was two on one - what do you expect?

"I'm going to check on May." Kyle said and left Dylan to doctor his wounds which should heal in a few hours.

Kyle walked silently to May's room and opened her white bedroom door with a soft smile already in place. He didn't need it. Kyle froze and then his body gave a jerk - they should not have left her alone.

"DYLAN!" He roared his voice in full Alpha mode, "May is gone - look everywhere I'm calling the pack."

With Kyle's words Dylan jumped off the toilet seat and bolted downstairs to start looking for is little sister... fear laced in his veins.

May, though, was never found...

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