Flight: 3

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Harper stood outside the court hearing. Clark was being questioned by General Swanwick for the second day now. He didn't tell the General of the chemical that was given to her, nor did he mention her name at all. He blamed the destruction on himself. As if feeling like shit wasn't enough, she still had to watch her back of anymore attacks. However, for some reason she could feel that it was finally over and was ready to leave for Florida, back to her hometown to continue her works with her team. Even with the happiness combined with embarrassment she could not shake the hero.

What they did would always stick with her no matter what happened next. What she experienced was not planned, nor was she expecting such passion and urgency coming from her body. He was gentle, careful, and wanted it much more than she which came to a shock. After their love making, she couldn't look at him. She hid herself from him and quickly got dressed. Her only goal was to lave Metropolis and he was making it even harder to go. Even in her denial he picked her up and flew her safely home, searching her apartment for anything odd. Before he left he planted a kiss on her forehead and escaped out the window. Her heart was beating another tune. He was a good......man? Alien? At this point she stopped caring. She was relieved that Emil left for Asia, which made it easier to explain what happened over the phone. She told her friend that she was fine and would not be staying in Metropolis. Today would be her last day...but why was she so reluctant to go?


She turned to see a stern faced General walk towards her.

"General Swanswick." She said curtly.

He came in front her within a few good distance and looked down at her.

"The past days for you have been interesting I'm assuming."

"Yes, they have."

"And Superman is always there."

"Yes, he is."

He frowned even more.

"Do you know the amount damage all this saving has cost the community....your community on Cross Street?"

She cleared her throat. "Yes, sir. However, I'd like to say it was not intentional."

"I'm sure it wasn't. Being the daughter of a psychopath must have some perks."

She looked up at him and furrowed her eyebrows. "Let me stop you right there General...my father was many things. Yeah he was a psychopath and yes he killed innocent people because of his insanity. However, he was a genius...a genius with many secrets. You knew him. In fact I remember you two going out for drinks before his mental breakdown, so how about you get off of your high horse and stop looking down on me and my family name. I hated my father more than anything and I don't need an asshole like you to remind me of such, so if you could please spare me your insults so I can take my leave from this mad city."

The two stared at each other daringly. General Swanwick looked at the once little girl, now turned strong woman. The side of his lip twitched.

"Sad." He said. "Metropolis is going to lose a good one." With that Swanwick walked around her. She looked after him dumbfounded, before he paused and said over his shoulder, "Be safe Ms. Vaden." After that he disappeared.

Her eyes were widened. She was sure that he would do some damage verbally, but he only told her to be safe. She slowly smiled and started to chuckle in disbelief.

"Can I join you?"

Her chuckled seized as she turned to look at her own weakness.

"I could use a good laugh."

Flight: The Man Of Steel (Interracial Short Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora