Dance your way too my heart(smut)

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Dance Au no one asked for;) but y'all wanted smut

  It was a regular saturday at Revolutionary Dance Crew. The seniors practicing for their upcoming recital. Alex and his friends Lafayette, John and Herc where all practicing for their dou together.
"Okay losers the recital info is up now'' Samuel said "and what loser posted it!" Alex yelled earning snickers from his friends and an embarressed Samuel walking away.
~Revolutionary Dance Crew Recital Information~
Alexander Hamilton, John Laurens, Hercules Mulligan, Marquis De Lafayette.
Thomas Jefferson, James Madison.
Ben Tallmadge, Arron Burr.
Elizabeth Shuyler, Angelica Schuyler, Margarita Schuyler.
Alexander Hamilton, George Washington,
John Adams
~posted by George King
In the background George King is laughing at his dancer saying "he will be eaten alive.''. Alex turns to his friends pale faced "I'm with.....George...g-george Washington" "Hell yeah hottie can't wait!" George says walking by. His friends give him a sympethetic look knowning his helpless crush "Good luck" George King yells over the dancers. This will be intresting.
Monday Morning(Five days until recital)
"Okay everyone get into your places!" George King yelled give Samuel his water. Alex went to go stand near his friends but was ushered away by his friends to stand next to George Washington, Alex's face turning visibly red. "How are you feeling for today?" George asked. "A bit nervous I overheard Samuel saying too George King that we need hell." Alex said giving George a laugh. "I'll make sure too kick his ass for you" George replies. "I'm good verbally to him, his ego will be kicked" Alex said smiling then waiting for further instruction. The day went by with Alex tripping over George but his strong arms catching him.
Tuesday morning (four days until recital)
Alex woke up to his phone ringing at 6:30 am "Hello" Alex answered groggily. "Hey Alex! It's me George!" "I figured" Alex said sassily earning a chuckle "Alright you got me there, anyways I was calling to see if you want to get breakfast at 7, at least we can digest before dancing ya know? We can go to our local bakery my treat" George said. "Sounds like a plan!" Alex answered getting out of bed trying to find his nicest casual attire to wear. Alex picked out a pair of jeans with fashionable rips in them that Hercules made for him. He got one of John's nice button ups and Lafayette's booties. He took a long look in the mirrors putting his hair up in a bun and brushing his teeth leaving a note for his roommates(they all live together) about his whereabouts. Alex grabbed his dance bag and dashed to the coffee. Once he got there it was 6:57 am he looked and saw George sitting at a dimly lit table with a chair across him. 'It's now or never' Alex thought taking a deep breath. Alex walked in as the door signal rang. "Hi Alex cmon over here!" George semi-yelled; enthusiasm high in his voice. Alex quickly came over sitting at the seat across from George. "I order us chai lattes, sorry I just didn't want to be rude and drink without you, I got you a large I know how you're always not sleeping" George exclaimed handing Alex a huge cup. "Thank's nothing honestly I appreciate the gesture" Alex said taking a sip of the chai latte. Of course George orders a chai latte..he is so posh. Alex indulged in the too under caffeinated drink although not wanting to show his face of distaste. "How are your studies Alex? I'm sure you know now I'm the head of my father's's sad how it had to be I always thought it would at least be twenty years from now. Oh! I can always get you a well earned spot, ya know this is a hard place to be employed" George went on. "I could never I need to prove my honor there" Alex begged. "But you have my honor and had my fathers, you're qualified" George said taking a sip of his tiny fucking chai latte eyeing the newspaper infront of him showing articles of hurricane Irma. Not too long after it was 9 am and Alex and George headed out of the coffee shop a few blocks away from the dance studio. Needless to say it was going to be a long day.
Wednesday Morning(three days left)
Today Alex and George where working on turns and leaps. "Okay George show grief into your dance, fall to the ground gracefully" George King yelled. George fell to the ground to graciously for a god to handle. "Good, Alex jump into George's arms on your belly". Alex was left with no choice but to oblige. He graciously turned and did a few leaps hearing a crack when he landed but continued anyway leaping into George's arms then being held up into the sky as George twirled (lmao I'm so fucking gay for these two, think of some ballet shit) Alex around and they both did there finishing poses. "Good job today, ice tonight and be back tomorrow by nine" George King yelled back at the two exiting the room. As soon as George let go of Alex he instantly fell to the ground groaning in pain letting a few tears slide down his cheeks. "Oh shit! Are you okay Alex did I hurt you?" George asked worrying by the second. Alex grabbed his ankle now becoming swollen. "No, no I heard a crack on my last few leaps" Alex said crying in pain. George's strong arms picked him up and carried Alex to his Lamborghini. "I'm taking you to my house right now, before Lawrence died..I-I on his last football game I helped him wrap his ankle, he said it was great." George said looking away from Alex now. Alex nodded approvingly. As soon as George pulled into the estate he inherited he carried Alex from the passengers seat to his front door and onto his couch. "I have ice bags. I'll get them and put them into my tub. This way your ankle and muscles can relax." George stated. As soon as George got back his shirt was off carrying Alex and a few bags of ice in his hands upstairs. He seated Alex on the bathroom counter and poured ice into the tub. Alex sat ignoring the teeth gritting pain in his ankle and admiring the back muscles of this 30 year old infront of him. Alex took off his shirt to at least be ready..okay fine to cover the growing bulge in his pants. "All good, I added hot water just to even out the temperature" George said turning around looking at the man who's ankle is purple but his stomach so beautifully carved. George couldn't help the pink on his cheeks that grew. "Can you help me undress?" Alex asked hoping George would say yes to this offer. George complied helping Alex take his pants off earning a few gasps as he passed the bruised ankle. George looked up and saw Alex's hand on his face covering his eyes. "Why are you so embarrassed, we are both guys" George stated rubbing Alex's thigh. The heat on Alex's thigh only made things worse. As George looked down to take Alex's boxers off he noticed a tent like structure in his boxers. "Oh! can leave. Sorry I didn't mean to take this to far." George said rushing up. "No oh god I'm sorry, it's not your fault" Alex stated looking sympathetically up at George who's look softened. George left the bathroom squeezing Alex's shoulder in a 'it's fine you got a boner as I'm trying to fucking care for you, I wish I can fuck you too' squeeze. Alex sighed heading into the tub hoping he'd drown or some shit to happen to end his suffering. George opened the door putting clothes onto the counter for Alex looking once more to admire Alex in all his beauty singing softly. He closed the door pulling his pants down jacking off to his now throbbing cock. He muffled himself with his hand so Alex wouldn't hear him behind the door. He came quickly moaning Alex's name. Making sure to make noise that Alex wouldn't hear him. He told Alex he was going to bed and wobbled to his king sized bed cleaning himself. Although much to George's surprise Alex was sure he heard George say his name, just didn't question it.
Thursday(two days left)

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