Extension 14: The Dirtfish

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"Jack, when are you going to fight your next boss?"
"Hmm... I haven't thought about it."
"Just I was thinking that maybe we should build an extension to this lodge and fortify it so no boss can destroy it."
"Fair enough but where will we get the supplies?"
"Have you ever wondered why Adam wanted a dirtfish?"
"No, why?"
"He was going to trade it for supplies for an extension anyway. I know who with aswell. If we can catch a dirtfish, we can build the extension."
"Well let's catch a dirtfish!"

I took a mechanical rod and some worms whilst Ovbere had a wooden rod.
"Ovbere, I don't actually know how to catch a fish."
"Easy, the worm goes on the hook and then you chuck it into the water."
The work sank to the bottom.
For the next hour we talked and ate until I felt a tug on my rod.

"Ovbere, Ovbere, come over here. I think I hooked a fish!"
"Now reel it in..."
Suddenly the fish flew through the air and landed next to me. Ovbere stuck a knife in it.
"Well that certainly isn't a dirtfish but congratulations Jack, you just caught us dinner."

"Yaknow Jack, we may have been fishing all day and caught nothing but I guess I've had fun."
"Hold up Ovbere, isn't something on your line."
"Oh yeah, probably our 31st bass. Hold up this ones a tough one. Probably an old tyre."
But it wasn't. Out of the water came the dirtfish, just before nightfall.
"Yes Jack... we done it."

That night we feasted on seafood and other snacks. We both got some ale out of the keg.
"To the dirtfish..." I chanted, raising my glass.
"Ayyy," Ovbere replied, "Just think, tomorrow we will have 999 wood planks."

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