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"I hope you know this is stupid, Dyl." I say to him while walking up to them, hand in hand with Shelley.

"I do." He kisses Holland's cheek.

"You two?" Me and Shelley both smile. We've wanted them to be together for so long. She nods and brushes the hair sticking to her lip gloss. It wasn't budging so Dylan brushed it away for her.

"Thanks." She says quietly and kisses him.

I wrap my arm around Shelley's waist and pull her closer, she puts her hand on my chest.

"Should we go inside?" Dylan says after he's done kissing Holland.

"Yeah. Everyone act normal, just walk around for a while." Shelley tells us before we walk inside.

I walk around with Shelley. We pretend to look at different items, then Holland and Dylan come up to us and we start to hide.

"10 minutes until they close." Shelley whispers. We're hiding in one of the empty shelves, we built walls around it with toilet paper rolls. It's quite big actually.

"And... they're closed." Dylan says when he hears the lights go off. "There shouldn't be any security but just wait 5 more minutes in case.

While we wait, me and Shelley play games on my phone. She wanted to play Geometry Dash. I told her it was basically impossible but she's really stubborn. It's cute though.

"Alright. We can go out now." Holland exclaims and breaks through the wall.

"It's so dark." I say whilst climbing out. It is dark. The aisles look kinda creepy at night although I can barely see in front of me. My eyes will adjust.

My phone starts buzzing so I take it out. Dylan S is calling me.

Hey Dylan, what's up?

Ty I'm desperate

Um if this is some creepy porno... I've already told you I'm straight.

For advice I mean!

On what?

I'm going out with this girl, Zoey, and I'm freaking out man.

Why are you freaking out?

I smell bad.

Put on some cologne.

That's like man perfume. No.

Get a shower.

My water isn't working.

God damnit Dylan, deodorant!

I've ran out!

Then yeah, freak out.

You know what? I have a vase with flowers in it. I should just tip the water on me.

That's stupid. Use cold water and soap.


He hung up! He's an idiot, but I love him. Now he's going to be tipping flower water on him.

"I'm going to go get a drink." I say to them all and walk off in between the dark aisles, trying to navigate my way around. I get to the drinks aisle. "Damn it's so dark in here." I can't see a thing. Maybe I should turn the torch on on my phone? No, Ty. Save the battery.

As I'm feeling my way around I feel a face on my hands. I can tell it's a girl. She puts her finger on my lips. Shelley.

We lean in and kiss softly. She starts kissing me more roughly but then we part.

"Ty?" Shelley comes round the corner of the aisle with her torch on. I look at her confused. Wasn't I just kissing her? I then look back to where that person was but no one was there.

If I wasn't kissing Shelley, who the hell was that that I just kissed... and who's in here with us?

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