Chapter 8

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This trip seemed short but in reality it was extremely long. They had to travel from Romania all the way to the islands of Hawaii - more specifically Honolulu- the three blood users stayed quiet while the now awake mutants and humans talked.

Every once in a while the humans and mutants would glance to the three holders wondering how powerful this 'threat' is that would cause all four fallen legends to assemble.

(AVENGERS!....too soon okay I stop now...)

(^ that was here before Infinity War came out btw)

After they landed the group of eight stuck to the shadows following both Rosalia's crystal and Blue's soul find, after walking around for a long time the group finally stopped in front of a old church.

The church was uninhabited for it looked to have burned from the inside, and what was left of it stood shakily...seeming as if it was to collapse any second. Without much hesitation the three holders entered with the remaining mutants and humans following.

They didn't get far into the church before a loud growl rang throughout the holy remains, Katie called out "Date! I know you're here! Come on out!"

(AN: Date is pronounced Dah-Tay for those who don't know)

No reply or sound came...the only noise was the sound of the old burnt church shifting ever so slightly. Suddenly a very soft male voice filled the air, the voice was gentle and kind "Why are you here Kathleen?"

The crimson eyed female spoke, "You know the reason," her voice was gentle like that of the unknown male named Date.

A soft sigh came from the shadows before a tall male teen stepped out, he had brown hair with blonde streaks...his one visible eye burned a bright crimson much like his sisters.

A cigarette hung loosely from his lips, the black patch over his left eye seemed to blend into the darkness of the old church...but that wasn't what made his appearance unique. No, the thing that made him different was the pair of cat ears sitting on top of his head...and they weren't for decoration that was made clear when they began to move follows surrounding sounds.

He narrowed his lone crimson eye before speaking, his voice was still soft "So it's the three of you huh? Light told me you'd be coming sooner or later." He lets out a soft sigh before locking his single blood red eye with Leo's sapphire eye.

His voice was slightly darker than before, "So you're Blue Protector's host huh? A turtle...well that's encouraging having one of the slowest animals on the planet as our leader great."

The blue banded turtle narrowed his eyes but before he could say anything Katie spoke first, "Leo's strong and fast Date, Blue chose him for a reason it's our duty as the other users to follow him and defeat the threat." Her brother just waved his hand showing that he understood all that but he still didn't think Leo was all that...he wanted to see what the turtle had first hand in combat.

In the blink of an eye the chocolate and vanilla haired teen jumped at Leo, his ears were flattened to his skull as a fire burned in his crimson orbs. The blue banded leader of four saw this coming and dodged the attack, the tails of his mask fluttered behind him as he continued to defend against the wave of quick attacks.

Date growled and crouched before launching forward but at the last second he twist his body moving to the right of Leo, the turtle was surprised by this but Blue wasn't and with a flash of light the white dragon caught the host of Light.

Date growled and struggled in the dragons hold but soon sighed in defeat, his voice was quiet but still had a graveled base. "'ve proven that you're quick for a turtle...I'll join you're little group." With that said Blue sat Date on his feet before allowing Leo to take over.

Katie looked to her brother and spoke, "Thank you Date." The cat eared boy nodded before turning to the rest of the group - Raph, Mikey, Donnie, Karai, and Baxter - before speaking. "I'm guessing that you five have been debriefed on the risks this battle will bring...right?"

Confusion flashed across their faces letting the holders - minus Leo - to know that they believed this battle to be easy for the four mystical creatures. Boy were they wrong. Katie, Date, and Lily glance over to their leader and narrow their eyes.

Lily was the first to break the silence with her gentle tone, "Leo why didn't you or Blue tell them what could happen in this fight?" With a shrug from the eldest turtle as an answer the black haired Alabamian smacked him on the back of the head. Her southern accent thickened as she yelled at him.

"You're supposed to be this smart leader Leo! How could ya just neglect to tell them we could die?!" A collective gasp rang through the small group of spectators who turned to their brother/friend in shock at the revelation of this fact.

Raph spoke in a dark tone "Leo how could you not tell us. If you die then why the shell didn't you tell us?!" Mikey and Donnie added in their own thoughts that revolved around what the hotheaded turtle had said. Karai had a hurt look to her eyes and Baxter averted his eyes from his friend.

The blue clad turtle sighed before speaking in a calm tone, "I didn't tell you because I knew you'd all have mixed feelings about the whole ordeal, I knew you all wouldn't want me to go through with it even though I don't have a choice. I didn't want to worry you." He paused long enough to clear his throat and make eye contact with his three brothers and two friends.

The emotions flooding his sapphire eyes were strong and extremely noticeable, which is very unlike him, with a gentle sigh he opened his mouth with a phrase that weighted heavy in the air.

"I didn't want to have to say goodbye."

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