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[ClockWork Pov]
What the hell!!!??? This devil minded creature just tore my torso and she put some type of metal object in I couldn't really make out what it was but I'm just gonna hope that it wasn't anything dangerous. I soon blackout watching the girl run upstairs in a hurry. I soon wake up with a  massive headache seeing the girl looking down at me,The girl goes upstairs and she tells me to follow. We walk upstairs and I see everyone standing in a line along with Zalgo. "What's going on?" I ask curiously as I start feeling the sown in slit on my upper chest. "Well your part of the family! Welco-" The girl is cut off by Zalgo "Shush! We want you to help us" I don't even know what's going on right now I can't remember anything before Zalgo put the mask on me I can't remember where I am or who these people are. But it's coming back to me slowly."Where am I and who are you guys again???" I ask Zalgo looks at me and back at them. "Introduce yourselves once more" he says, The girl that slit my torso open jumps in front of me. "Nina!!! Nina the Killa!! Nice to meet you!!" She puts her hand out in front of me to shake it but before I do she gets pushed by a boy that gets in front of her "I'm Liu how are you he puts his hand out for me to shake and I do! I shake his hand and he walks away as something soft rubs against my leg I jump from being surprised (a cat?) "Smiley. My name is Smiley you sorry excuse for a daughter" The cat says "Smiley! We agreed to be nice and thankful for our guest you stupid cat!" Zalgo said in a way that wasn't very pleasing...who does that car think he is!!?? Like Excuse Me??? Sorry excuse??? I was a amazing daughter just things happened... Man this people look crazy...I need to escape but how??? I think I have to play along to get out of here... "Um so you need my help ha ha...???"

(Sorry I got bored XD)

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