Chapter 12 ~ Aftermath and Dirty Deeds

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**Ellie's POV**

It's been about two months since Niall's accident. All is well, or so they think. I am still depressed even when there is a smile on my face. I don't technically blame myself, I blame the person who shot him.

The competition will be held again in about two days. Niall is almost fully recovered, and as happy as ever. I stay in my bedroom most of the time. And the other lads are around a lot. The only time I really come out of my room is when I need food or something to drink.

"Hey El. You okay?" Harry asks, knocking on my bedroom door.

"Yeah. I'm fine, you can come in you know." I mutter, just loud enough for him to hear. He opens the door and walks in, closing it behind himself.

"Did you wanna talk?" He asks, siting down next to me.

"Not really. But thanks for the offer. Its much appreciated." I confirm, nodding. Slowly, he nods, and wraps his arms around me, hugging me tightly.

"You have us now. You can talk to us, and I know for a fact you can talk to the girls. Just take care of yourself, join in the world. I'll talk to you later ok?" He says, pressing his lips to my cheek briefly, and pulls back, looking at me. I nod, and he leaves the room, shutting the door softly.

Sighing, I put in my earbuds and lay down on my soft bed, quickly falling asleep.

The next morning, I awake to sunlight falling gently onto my eyes. Smiling, I close my eyes once more and turn over, onto someone. Gasping in shock and fright, I look at the person beneath me. Niall. A small smirk settles on my face as I look at the sleeping Irish man. I could do anything I wanted. Just as I finish that thought, his eyes flutter open, and look directly at me.

"Mm, good morning." He says in his sexy Irish accent. I roll my eyes and giggle lightly.

"Morning. But, why are in my bed?" I ask.

"Because. The lads and I spent the night. And I couldn't sleep out there with all of them, so I asked you if I could sleep with you and you said yes." He explains.

Nodding thoughtfully, I do slightly recall this conversation.

"Please, just tell me your wearing pants." I murmur.

"Boxers. Does that count?" He asks, raising his eye brows at my startled expression.

"No! Put some pants on!" I say, shocked.

"But, do I have to?" He groans, and puts his hand lightly on my side. I bite my lip and look down at his hand.

"I guess not." I whisper.

"Good." He whispers back. Raising my eyes, I look at him. His eyes darker. A naughty smile settles on my lips as I look at his. Almost as fast as lightening, our lips connect, and atomic bombs explode. Birds take flight in my stomach as he pulls me on top of him. Hands falling down my body, he light squeezes my waist, kissing rougher.

"Mm, did you wanna..." He says, out of breath, looking into my eyes. Slowly, I nod, making up my mind.

"Good." He repeats and smirks at me.

*****You can guess what happened between the two ;)  Holy crap, this story got a whole lot more complicated, don't ya think? (Well, at least for the person writing it.)

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