Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

           I should start from the beginning. My name is Ellie James, I live in Kansas City, Kansas. With my all time best girl friends, Perrie, Leigh-Ann, Jade, Jesy, and Breanna. No, not all of us live together in the same apartment. Next door to each other, actually. In a downtown apartment building. I am in love with the color purple, ha ha you thought that I was going to say a person huh?

            Well, nope. I haven't found my baby, yet. And I play in a band, I play the instruments: drums, guitar, and piano. We are all in a band, called, Little Mix. No we aren't a popular band. But we will be soon enough. However, I didn't know that at the time. It was my dream to be famous, have millions of people screaming your name, singing your songs back to you, and looking at your pictures, just knowing your name.

            Breanna and I are from Cheshire, England. Our families moved here when we were ten. We are now 18. Young, yes. Mature, no, not at all. I also write all of the bands songs. I have naturally fiery red hair that blazes in the sunlight, and big doe-like muddy brown eyes. Bre (nickname) has un-natural ice blue hair that is silky smooth and always has loose shiny curls, with sea green eyes. We are both very slender and curvy, as the guys say.

              I will be graduating Kansas City High School in the fall. I am very sarcastic and immature, though. I am like One Direction (Louis Tomlinson) that way. I can eat more than, Niall, as my friends say. And I can be extremely responsible, like Liam. I adore them, One Direction. They are our bands inspiration. I am an only child and my dad has passed away, my dad is a very sensitive subject for me.

              My parents got divorced about a year before. People say my dad died of a broken heart. My whole family is a sensitive subject. I was kicked out at thirteen years old, deemed a ran-away. Basically, my mother said that if I want to leave so badly that I should stay gone, and I know she didn't mean it. But, it still hurt me. So, I packed my bags and left with my mother yelling and crying on the stair case.

                 I didn't care at the time. I lived with Bre and her parents for a while. When I was 14 I got a part time job, and saved all of the money I made. Soon we had enough money for an apartment and bus tickets. Bre's parents were very abusive when they were drunk, which was just about all of the time. We were 15 when we came to Kansas, and got our apartment. This is where we met our other friends, Perrie, Jade, Jesy, and Leigh-Ann. They took us under there wing (See what I did there?) and helped us with, well, everything. I hate the fact that no matter what I do, I will never feel like I have re-payed them for what they have done for us. 

"El, get you arse in here. NOW!" Bre yelled. That girl has mental issues I swear. I thought as a walked down the short, cramped hallway, into the living room. 

"What? I was busy, you know."  

"Shut up and look at the TV." She murmured, barely above a whisper. 

I look up at the flat screen TV on the wall. I seen a news announcement on, it was about One Direction. I plopped on the cold hard floor and slid in front of the TV without grace. 

"Oh." Was all I could manage to squeak out. 

"Yeah, that's the end of the announcement, though." Bre said now back to her normal voice level but still entranced on the news broadcaster. 

"What did it say?" 

"That they are holding a contest," She explained in a very excited voice, "For bands, they want to find one to go on tour with them, a WORLD tour, babe!"  

"SHOULD WE ENTER?!" I asked as the door burst open. 

"Ahhhhhh!" We all screamed. Until, I came to a conclusion, "WAIT! How do we know that we are all screaming for the same reason?"  

Survival of the Bands ~One Direction and Little Mix FanFic~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora