Chapter 10

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Survival of the Bands: Chapter 10

Someone's hurt. Thats all thats in my mind. Flooding it. It could be anyone. My eyes scan over the horror stricken faces of my friends, and bandmates, no one is hurt thats sitting behind this couch. It has to be someone else. It pattern of the couch and the hard wood floor beneath my heel clad feet isnt helping either. The feeling of Bre's hand, and Niall's arm, are the only things keeping me from sobbing completely. A small sudder rips threw my body. 

"Never." A security man growels. I keep my eyes on the floor in hopes of controlling my breathing in the slightest. Niall's grip around my waist tightens. A gun goes off, and the couch screeches, moving backwards, towards us. I open my mouth in a silent scream. If i loose them... 

I look around to all of the people i love. Niall, angry and hurt. Harry, tears streaming down his face, crumpled in pain. Louis, shocked and hurt. Zayn, gone, no longer alive with emotion. Liam, shocked and broken. My girls, all crying and scared. The most i can comfort any of them is with a look, a mear touch.  

"Now, lets try this again, give them to us." The same man says. 

"No." A man says. Sirens sound off in the distance, the police. Another shot goes off. Another peice of my heart, ripped off and lost in oblivion. The scent of blood gets stronger. Closer.  

As if in slow motion, two things happen at once. A gun goes off, this time at the couch and the bullet flies into Niall. My eyes meet his painfilled ones. Reacting quickly I shrug off my jacket and press it to his wound. He flinches at the impact, but stays quiet. Zayn reaches over and aplys more pressure then I could. Trying to stop the bleeding. Tears fall quicker, and Niall grabs my hand this time, holding on for dear life. A small whimper excapes me. Not detectable from as far away as the attackers, but to Zayn and Niall certainly. If the police dont get here soon then... 

I shake my head, shaking away the thought. No. Niall would live if i had to give my own life in place of his. Shattering, peices of my heart lay in my chest in agony. All i want to do is scream and cry. I cant deal with this pain. Leaning down, I press a gentle kiss to his cheek, and wipe away his tears. I wont let him die. I breifly close my eyes and open them again. Clearing my head, I move Zayn's hands, and push up Niall's shirt. The bullet went into his stomach. And by angle and entry point, I'd say no major organs were hit, but blood is coming out at a steady pace. The sirens at this point were surrounding the building. 

Zayn presses my jacket on his wound again. Looking up a realize poeple are screaming into the room. Police. Quicklly I stand, and see officers surronding the men that are on their knees. Finally, an officer notices me and rushes over, looking over the back of the couch at all of us. Rushing, he calls for parametics. And Niall is whisked away. The rest of us are led ouside and sit on the warm pavment.  

"Is everyone okay?" Liam asks. I stare at the ground, not moving, nor speaking. I feel as though, when the bullet hit him, that i died, and am stuck here on this hellhole called Earth. Watching my friends in a painful agony.  

"El?" Harry says. Touching my arm, he gently shakes me. I close my eyes in pain. I cant help but feel responcible. I dont know how, this, in truth, isnt my fault. A silent tear rolls down my cheek and lands on the leg of my pants. An arm pulls me towards them. Harry. Snuggling closer, i burry my face in his chest. His hand rubs soothing circles on my back. Tears soaking his shirt. 

"Shh love. Its okay. You'll be ok."

Survival of the Bands ~One Direction and Little Mix FanFic~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora