Chapter 4

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“Let me see... How to hack the FBI?” said Michael. He was sitting behind one of the computers, waiting for any result of one of the unknown prints. He leaned back in his chair and a bit further, he saw that David was going closer and closer to the screen. He was staring at a fingerprint of one of the glasses and he was comparing it to another one they had found on a bottle.

“What did you say? You're not serious are you? You can't hack the FBI! That is like having a dead wish!” said Chris. Michael turned his chair around, to face him, and he smiled at him. “Thank God, you were joking. I almost had an heart attack here.”

“You really thought I was going to do that? Come on, I'm not that insane,” said Michael, “I just have to wait until the computer says yes or no on this print.”

A little further, they heard Amelia laugh. “You should have seen the look on his face!” she laughed hard, “I never saw any one's eyes that big and a face go that pale, that fast! I like you, Mikey, you just made my day!”

“You just like it when some one shocks me, don't you?” said Chris.

“Totally!” laughed Amelia.

“You people are having a lot of fun. What is going on?” said Owen who just got in. Behind him were Lisa and Susan and they looked confused at each other.

“Chris just got fooled by the newbie,” said David with a grin.

Michael turned around to his computer again when he heard a beep. He frowned when he saw the words 'Match found'. He clicked on an icon to see the result.

“What do you have, newbie?” said Chris. He was standing behind Michael's chair and also looked at the screen.

“Now this is interesting,” said Michael when he saw who belonged to the fingerprints.

“Very interesting indeed,” mumbled Chris, “I never thought I would see his face again.”

“I was just hoping to never see it again,” said Michael.

“Let me see. What's going on?” said Owen. He walked up to Chris and Michael and looked at the screen as well. “Maybe it's just me, but how do you two know him? And why did the two of you wish to never see him again? Okay, I can see he isn't a nice guy, but what's the matter with him?”

“This man is my old landlord. He got the building of his father when he died,” answered Michael.

“Next to that, this one is also the biggest Nazi I've ever seen,” said Chris, “I don't think he was just in that bar for a drink and a chat. He has something up his sleeve, like always. I remember the last time I locked him up, that's a couple of months ago now. He was somewhere where we needed to be and, before I knew it, he punched me really hard against my eye. That was just for a walking by.”

“I remember one time I was really sick and was like an hour late with my rent,” said Michael, “He just kicked in my door to get in.”

“So basically what the two of you are saying is that this man is no good, no matter what he does,” said Owen.

“Exactly,” said Chris, “To be honest, I don't like the fact that he pops up here, with this case. I think it will make things a bit more complicated and harder.”

“Since the two of you already know him, and you found out he was there in the bar, Michael,” said Owen, “You are coming with me. It isn't too late yet for a house visit. I want the both of you to be careful, especially because of all the things he has on his rap sheet. He likes violence and isn't afraid to knock you out when you get in his way. When we're at his house, Michael, you stay near me.”

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