Chapter 5: Birthday Mistakes

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Everything got worse. I felt like karma was beating me until I was senseless. Haley was getting on my last frickin nerve. I don't know why, I just felt like I'm hating her more. I decided I was going to tell her I didn't want to be friends with her after the science fair because we're partners. I know it's really shallow of me but, I'm kind of focusing on my grade. Michelle, Odessa, and Lily says it's not because of the horrible things Haley did. It made me feel a little better. 

It was her birthday and I said happy birthday to her of course. My friends says she doesn't deserve me wishing her to have a good birthday. I just shrugged it off. That week, was the worst week of my life. On Saturday was Haley's birthday party. On Friday, the day before her party, she texted me.

Haley: Hey am I bothering you or something? 

Maybe it's time I told her the truth. Without thinking, I did. 

Isabelle: Yeah, you've been pretty mean to me lately and the Dylan thing STILL FRICKIN HURTS LIKE HELL. 

Haley: I'm sorry you feel that way and what did I do wrong? (I'm not trying to sound innocent but I want to stop being mean) and the Dylan thing is not entirely my fault. IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT YOU LIED AND SAID EVERYTHING WAS FINE!!!!

Holy shit. That hurt. Tears were burning at the back of my eyes and a stream came flowing down. I cried more. I didn't answer the text. Instead I called Odessa.

"Hey what's up?" Odessa answered. 

Instead of answering my shriveled cry came out. 

"Oh, my God, are you crying? What happened?" Odessa said with fear and pity in her voice.

I told her what just happened. 

"Oh, my, God Isabelle. I am so sorry that happened. Just listen to me, everything will be okay. Just stay strong alright? Everything will be okay." Odessa said, Suddenly her words were just a blur like I couldn't see or hear anything. The conversation went on for a bit and she said she had to go. She had a basketball game. I got another text from Haley.

Haley: I can tell you don't want to talk to me. *sigh* I just don't what happened between us. I thought I knew you. 

I scoff. She never knew me. 

Isabelle: I'm sorry but I don't want to be your friend anymore! It hurts too much. 

Haley: Oh, okay. Bye then. 

Isabelle: Bye 

I felt like I did something wrong. For some strange reason a laugh escaped out of me. I smiled. I called Michelle but she didn't pick up. I called Lily and I told her what happened and she said she was happy for me. 

I told my mom I wasn't friends with Haley anymore and she just said "okay." What the hell? Just okay? I thought she would be a bit more concerned. Whatever. 

The next day was horrible. Haley texted me.

Haley: You know I've been thinking. I'm glad your gone. That's right that's what I wanted to tell you, I'M GLAD YOUR GONE! Your worse than Lana Hanson. Lana hurt people purposely. You take friends and stab them in the back!

I didn't answer. Is that how people see me? A backstabber? Lana Hanson is this girl Haley really hates. I mean REALLY hates. Imagine the biggest bitch you hate so much. Haley hates Lana twice as much as your thinking.

Later for hours Haley would talk shit about me. She said I only want attention, popularity, the perfect boyfriend, and that I'm selfish and care about no one but myself. Is that true? Is that how people look at me? That I'm selfish and care no one but myself. I cried. Those words hurt me to the bone. For my life I tried being nice. Thinking of others before myself. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe I'm just greedy and arrogant. I cried all night. 

The next day was just as bad. Haley called me a bitch and stuff like that and I was trying not to be mean. Kill her with kindness. I'm not the kind of person who hurts people. I don't know anymore...


Hi guys! I'm sooooooo sorry I haven't updated my story in a while and I also apoligize for this story being so short. I've been really busy. What do you think of Isabelle now? Is she really selfish or is Haley is just putting her down? Tell me what you think in the comments below. 

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