Chapter 3

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Friendship, something I never yearned for. I knew that it would always end the exact same way, tragic and filled with sadness. A side effect of boredom, my greatest weakness and a huge consequence of the way I think. If I ever found someone to befriend in just a month I'd just throw them away with the rest, bored with their social needs and predictable personalities. It's a problem I have accepted.

Having the day off was horrid my mind constantly itched for action and this lack of it made my mind run rampant with useless thoughts. It needed to relive some more murders, it needed to take off some steam. But alas that was impossible for I had no work.  So all I did today was take care of my dogs and go through old cases, not much else to do. Although I did play some new pieces on my grand piano, the dogs patiently listening to each melody. But amidst one of my pieces an alarm went off alerting me of the therapy session I had with Hannibal. 

Arriving at the his waiting room my eyes wandered, noting how quiet the scene was. Sitting down in one of the chairs I waited as the name of this room entailed. After minutes of awkwardly shifting in the seat someone finally opened the door, and out came a strange looking man. A short, curly, brown haired man. His voice wavered, trying to impress the therapist with his accomplishments and hobbies. With each pass of friendship at Hannibal, he only politely declined and said goodbye. Off the short stubby man went, waddling with defeat. "(Y/n), it's nice of you to show up," A playful facade on top the mans empty face. "You know Jack, couldn't refuse him even if you wanted," Sighing I sat up and he ushered me into his room. Looking around my breathe hitched, his room was fantastic. So precise and calculated, each item put there with purpose and forward thinking. Moving on, I sat in one of the chairs while he sat in the other. Now that we sat across from another I took the time to study him. Precise was an occurring theme, hair without a single messy strand. Suit looked tailored with perfection, this man sat in luxury. "Do you have a history of Panic Attacks," He had already asked me so I replied with a simple no. "Did anything trigger it?" His voice trying to be calming but only came off as cheesy to me. "No," I knew that was a lie. Hannibal continued on with questions, when he finally stopped the man asked if I was open to taking medication. "If you think it'll help than of course," A fake smile placed onto my face. He went through the side effects of Panic Attacks, talking about what it is and why they happen. His lips continued to move as my mind wondered off, my thoughts ringing throughout my head 'I wonder how tasty he would be,' A stray thought that made me shake. 'What the hell?' My eyes widened and Hannibal stopped talking, curiosity in his eyes. "S-Sorry I didn't sleep well last night," He asked if it happened often, I replied with a casual lie which was a no. 'I hadn't gotten the case of a cannibal recently, so why had that thought come by,' Deep inside, my heart shook out of fear, denial set in that this couldn't have been me. It was impossible to tell the difference anymore. "(Y/n) are you okay?" His eyes were those of a predator stalking a prey. "I am fine," Very unconvincing considering the shakiness within it. "It's alright to feel fear, it is a reasonable response," We continued to talk about Panic attacks but a bitter taste remained within my mouth from the thought that came before. Hannibal went over different options, I decided on sessions with him. I couldn't bear the thought of returning to a life of pill after pill. "Let's start off with a cliche question, how was your home family," The word Family made me want to vomit, a slight scowl ripping itself through my mask. "They were normal, nothing special." Lies were one of the things I had always surrounded myself in, whether it was to cover up my insecurities or just for the pleasure of lying it was my habit. The man looked doubtful and most likely was able to look straight through my bad lie. 'Annoying,' I sighed internally as the man continued to shoot of question after question, followed by my empty responses. Before I knew it our time was up. "Thank you for your time Hannibal," He escorted me out of the room, and as the door to the waiting room opened my eyes met Will Graham's. "Will?" Surprise was not easily given to me but our continuous meetings had me on edge. In the end it wasn't much of a surprise that Will, the mentally unstable man, had ended up here. "Are you feeling any better?" The slightly blushing brunette stuttered out, avoiding my eyes. A smirk threatened to reveal itself on my face as I walked towards him. "Yup," I popped the P as a laugh slipped through. Red covering his face. "Well I must be off after all I wouldn't want to interrupt your session," My usual hatred of him had slipped and has now been replaced with a new feeling, one I disliked. A form of friendship perhaps? As I left that office I could feel how troubled my heart was. Two sides of me were fighting at the thought of growing close to someone. But in the end I didn't really have a choice.

I know the writing was cheesy and bad. I wasn't really feeling this chapter so the next will for sure be better, apologies.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2018 ⏰

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