Chapter 2

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"Who are you?" A question I hated hearing, it made my heart drop each time. I would never have the answer.

Returning to work the next day I noticed a stack of files laying lazily upon my desk. Upon opening the folder I noticed that it contained my next case since the last had been rudely snatched away, a scowl unfolding onto my face. After skimming through all the paperwork I sighed. In summary, this homicide was a string of murder. All of them had one thing in common, death by strangulation. Hearts cut out without any medical knowledge, only sloppy handy work. Even so there weren't any DNA samples, nor clues left. Three different people, with no seemingly obvious connection but I beg to differ. If I dig deep enough I know I would be able to find something. Mary Copperfield, a receptionist with a history of drinking. David Benson, history of physical assaults, doing jobs here and there. Matthew Williams, spotless record, works as a school coach. None knew each other, worked with each other or had close family. Why would they be killed, why were they chosen. Interesting tidbit from the autopsy reported that the killers hands are those of a teenager. 'Abusers?' A simple answer, it usually tended to be simple. 'Adoption?' That's when one answer clicked into my mind. I would have to find out if any of them adopted children for a short period of time or if any were taken away. Sending someone off to find out I sat back down in front of my desk, knowing it might take a while. Stretching each of my limbs a yawn reached out of my throat. "Good morning (Y/n)," Again with that accent it had to be Danish right? The voice did scare me, swiftly I twirled around to meet the man face to face. There stood the well dressed man I have seen in a total of three times. Forcing a smile onto my face I replied trying to sound as sweet as I could. "Morning Dr.Lecter," His lips lifted into a slight smirk at my display as if amused by my facade. I wished for him to just keep going or finding what he needed and leaving but alas it came to no such conclusion. Social interactions were always the worst part of living. My insides kept telling me to look away, trying to break my confident facade with anxiety. He came closer, my shoulders tensing. "If you don't mind me asking, what are you working on?" Actual curiosity came through his voice. "Well Will Graham took over my last case so these are files on my new case, it should be solved soon if my hypothesis is proven correct," Trying to not turn sour as soon as I said the beginning, I tightened my grip on the chair I sat in. Grabbing a file I handed it over to the man, hoping perhaps he could be distracted by that and ignore me entirely. "What do you think happened," Looking up from the folder his eyes caught mine, studying my facial expression. Feigning sadness I began to speak "I believe that they adopted the same boy or girl. Were abusive parents and that karma came back with a bite." The voice within my head spoke with an icy tone. 'I wish I could have done it myself, watched them squirm underneath me as the air escaped their lungs,' Anger surged deep within me with blood lust. Immediately I knew I had started to merge with the hypothesized killer. Taking a deep breath I ignored the continuing of horrid thoughts and entertained the man before me, focusing on keeping my facade on. "Interesting," His eyes returned to the file when finally someone showed up. "Dr. Lecter, pleasure to see you again," It was Jack, saving the day with his perfect timing. Hannibal handed the file back to it's rightful hands, mine, and headed off with Jack. Their voices rang off the usual silent walls as they continued to stray farther away from me. Sighing I returned to my work at hand, closing my eyes. Within the blackness of closed eyes I could picture the victims as I wrapped my hands around their necks. The grotesque satisfaction rolling through me with a shudder. Before I knew it, the cup of coffee I had been holding smashed.

The results returned and just as I thought they were all connected to a child. Texting Jack I told him who the child was and off the dog went, following it's bone. Eventually they found the boy hanging out at a hardware store collecting supplies. Finally they brought him in and I got ready to interview the child. Entering the room I immediately felt tension rise, his eyes weren't those of a vengeful murderer like I had suspected. 'We were wrong,' My breathing began to rise, quickening with each second passing. Thoughts raced around my head, most filling me with unease. His eyes studying my face with amusement. I could feel the thoughts ringing in his head, the disgusting self righteous reasoning behind his killings. My head continued to swirls with the boys image beginning to merge into my very own with reluctance. 'Stop,' At that moment my knees started to shake, and I dropped onto the ground. My lungs felt like they were being crushed, everything started to blur, sound, sight and smell. Just a voice repeating "Breathe, Everything will be okay." Trying to comfort me. When I finally snapped out of it I realized I was now on a white couch with someone sitting beside me. Jack and Will were across the room, leaning on the wall, watching. Then who was beside me? Quickly turning my eyes to meet their face it was Dr.Lecter, his face relaxed at my now calmer state. My heart continued to race along with my mind. Everyone's face was covered with slight concern except Hannibal, his face contained something different, intrigue. "Are you alright now?" Nodding, he preceded to ask me questions. "Do you get Panic Attacks often?" His tone was a fake calming one. "No," On and on with the questions he went. Finally he stopped and up I got, but as soon as I stood my body wobbled. "You might feel dizziness for a bit, including nausea," Continuing to stumble I tried to walk to the investigation room but someone stopped me, Jack. "I am not letting you work for the rest of today. Will can drive you home," My eyes turned to Will, his eyes quickly turning away from mine. "I'm fine," A pathetic lie accompanied with a laugh from Jack. "Fine," Giving up with a puff of anger I continued to wobble outside the building. Graham led me to his car. Before I opened my mouth to tell him my address he spoke out. "I already know where you live," His eyes continued to avoid mine with a shaky voice contained within his words. "That sounds rather creepy out of context," A soft whisper left my mouth, making the man beside me turn a light pink.

Arriving home my dogs growled at the unknown car, barking as if they were viscous dogs. Stepping out they finally stopped, instead whining for affection. Opening the gate they started to circle me. Will got out of his car and off they ran, smelling and prodding the man. "Sorry," A sigh of defeat left me. A genuine smile appeared onto his face as he bent down to his knees, cuddling my dogs. It was different from his usual anxious state. "The German Shepherds name is Leo, and the Border Collie's Zoe." He repeated the names, affectionately petting them both. His relaxed state made me jealous. After minutes of him with my dogs he finally stopped and returned to his car with a Goodbye. Going into my house I felt my phone vibrate.

From (Random Number)

Hello (Y/n), this is Hannibal Lecter. Jack gave me your number. He has recommended that you go to a couple therapy sessions just to make sure you are alright.

Countless swears escaped my mouth as I closed the door behind me, locking it.

To: Hannibal Lecter

What date and time.

Knowing Jack I couldn't get out of this so I reluctantly gave in. Hannibal gave me the information I needed, turns out it was closer then I expected which means I get tomorrow off and instead it's replaced with a session with Hannibal. Taking a deep breath my mind returns to what happened earlier. Panic still remained within my veins but my facade was strong enough to hide the fact. I always had a strange moral compass considering the fact I never really had my own personality. Although my deepest fear would have to be drowning into the darkness of another, diving so deep I couldn't breathe. The boy wasn't killing for revenge, he was a sadistic psychopath. I only caught him by luck. My hands started to shake once again, and I got ready for bed, exhausted. Even after all this I could still feel the disgusting motivation to strangle someone.

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