"But what is it? Nothing a sip from the revival waterfall can't handle, right?" I pray.

"It's a little more complicated than that," Peter winced. I held his hurt and and prayed that he is going to be okay.

"God dammit Peter! Just tell me what the stuff is!" I yell frustrated by the whole situation.

"I don't know the specific name for it, but I know what it does. The plant is used to compel. Once this dreaded poison takes over my body, I will be under Sebastian's control."

"Why would he want that? I mean wouldn't he want me to be under his control, not you?"

"I'm sure that was his plan, but he wasn't clever enough," Peter groaned.

"Is there anything I can do to ease the pain?" I asked. He shook his head. "So I just have to stand here and watch you slowly pull into his submission?!"

" There is something that you can do," Peter smirked. He lifted his hands to my face. I saw into his beautiful green eyes. They held lust, love, and thirst.

"And what exactly would that be?" I play and grab my lower lip in between my teeth. Peter glided his tongue along his lips and lowered his hands from my face to my waist. I shivered with delight at his gentle touch.

"You know exactly what I want," Peter growls before slamming his perfectly plump lips on to mine. I gasped with excitement and he slipped his tongue in my mouth.

I wrap my arms around his neck again. He aggressively pulled me tight and had his lips cascade down from my face.

This is a new side of Peter. I'm not quite sure if I like it or not. He seems to be loosing himself.

Peter grabs my waist and pushes it into his hips. His fingers are digging into my skin and I want to yell out in pain. I decide not to. He seems to my enjoying himself. I want him to have a blissful memory from when he could control his own body.

I can feel his hand pull my shirt up and over my head. Before he could crash his lips into mine again, a saw something flash in his eyes.

"Peter," I say. I'm trying to be serious about this, but my call came out as a moan.

I could feel his pleasant smile on my neck as he sucks harshly on my skin. This is so unlike him, too much unlike him. He violently moves my hips so that I am grinding on him. What the hell has gotten into him.

I try to push him back so that we can talk about what's going on, but my effort was useless. He was too strong for me.

"Shh love. Just let me have you," He murmurs.

"Peter, stop, please. Your not like this," I whine as he digs his fingernails into my skin.

"Don't act like you don't like this. I know you do," He plays and starts to carry his hands up my body. I do love this connection we are having, but I want to have it with the Peter that I know and love.

"Can we just talk about this?" I groan. He continues to trail his soft fingers up my body until they rested on my boobs. I could feel him shake his head.

"All I want is you. Just let me have that, please," He whines.

"You will once we somehow figure out how to cure you from Sebastian's power," I tell him, trying to push him away again.

"I don't give a damn about him. He will give up eventually. He knows that he can't break us," Peter groans.

"Stop, this isn't like you."

He finally pulls away. That darkness in his eyes are back. The ominous eyes stare at me. These are the jade eyes that I saw only minutes ago. They remind me of someone.


"Sebastian!" I scream. I know he is lurking in the shadows, somewhere.

Slowly he appears from the darkness. A smile of approval tainted his face.

"What ever you did to Peter, make it stop!" I demand. His chuckle echoed through the forest.

"That wouldn't be fun," his dark voice slurred.

"I don't care if it is fun for you or not! This is about you and me! You can't get Peter involved!"

"But thats all apart of the game."

"I don't want to play this game of yours! I have told you that! I am done with the constant annoyances you cause!"

"You don't mean that."

"I do! You are a monster from the depths of hell! I hate you! I hate everything about you!" I stammer. I saw Sebastian's head twitch as he comprehended what I said. I turned away from Sebastian and went to my Peter's side. How dare he do something like this?

"Melody?" He cried. This bastard actually cried. I rolled my eyes at him and tried to hold Peter. "Fine! If that's how you really feel!"

"It is. Now let Peter go! He doesn't deserve this! And release Felix from where ever you sent him!" I demanded.

"Not quite yet. You see," He took a pause. "If I can have you, nobody can."

My eyes widened with fear. I moved my body infront of Peter's. He will have to go through me first. Then I realized, this is exactly what he wanted. He wants me to be wrapped around his little finger. his plan in falling into place perfectly.

I earsed my dignity and respect for myself as I placed a sly smile on my face. Slowly but surely I woalked over to Sebastian while bitting my lower lip. You never saw this coming, Sebastian, did you? His body stiffened as I placed both of my hands on his shoulders.

"Go ahead, kill him," I taunted. He was many things, but he sure isn't a killer. "I am giving you my permission to kill him." I heard a muffle coming from Peter's body. I swallowed a tear. He can hear me.

"Okay then. We will be alone then. Just you and me, forever young," He stammered. His voice cracked a little on his uneasiness. He definatly wasn't expecting this.

"Perfect," I purred as I drape myself against his cold body. I tried not to recoil at the dreaded smell that surrounded him. I nibbled on his ear lobe a little bit. "That's what I always wanted. Peter is a boy and will forever be a boy, but you, you are a man."

I tried my best not to puke on the acid words. None of it was true. Not a single thing. I could almost taste the lies as they flew out of my mouth. I hope Peter knows that his is a a gag. He has to know.

Sebastian drew out his sword and the silver blade shimmered in the sunlight. I urged him to step closer and he did. The blade was just inches from Peter's heart. I winced in thinking that Sebastian actually would pull through with this.

"Do it," I breathed. My lips traveled to his neck. Sebastian pressed the blade to Peter's chest, not putting any pressure on it.

"You might want to look away. I don't want you to see me this way," Sebastian murmured.

"I want to watch. I want to see you defeat your enemy once and for all," I swallow my harsh words. Peter stayed frozen in time. I looked over at him, his eyes met mine. 'It will be okay" I mouthed to him.

I heard Sebastian take a deep inhale. He won't pull through with it. I know he won't. He doesn't have the guts to take another's life. He braced his arm and attempted to drive it through Peter's heart. To my full surprise, he did.

"Peter!" I cried. I rushed to his side as Sebastian removed his sword.

Yep, so that happened... DON'T HATE ME! I swear Peter is not dead. It would break my heart if he actually died! I was rewatching the episode where Neil died and I was crying my eyes out! I loved him! My Baelfire!!!!!

Anyways! You shoudl read We're the Same by Mariagundersens . IT IS SO FREAKING GOOD!!!!!! I can't even express to you!!

DID Y'all hear about After?!?!?! FANGIRLING SO HARD!!!


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