Ok this is a Rant so skip this if you dont care about Death Note

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Nexflix, I love you but WHY , WHY WOULD YOU LET ME SEE CANCER, and no I am not talking about Twilight I'm taking about DEATH NOTE THE MOVIE! Boy, the number of mistakes in this movie is to many to bear. They don't even have the potato chip scene how dare you, that is the most important scene in the entire anime ( I haven't read the books but I promise I will). Why is it set in America, why is Light such a dumbass who can't keep his mouth shut that he's Kira, why is L such a little crybaby and shows Light his face, where is Mello and Matt,where is Near, why is Lights last name change, why is Mia totally different from anime/manga Misa , why did you get rid of Lights mom and sister, you changed the rules in the deathnote, and why is it set in America, and why is everyone except 2 characters WHITE!

Ok I am done with my rant

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