Chapter 14: Der Regen

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November 9

5:22 am

If the wind had a face, it would have smiled.

The temperature had dropped drastically overnight, and the pressure along with it. The air was building for a storm, and the wind was all to eager to deliver. The wind sped along the streets with renewed energy, thundering around the now empty shack of the witches, caused waves to form in the fountain water, and bent the trees along the forest line as the clouds grew thicker.

The wind darted next to the Skellington Manor, where Jack was scribbling away of a stack of yellow paper, and Ivy was still asleep, her arm tucked under her head and her face drawn up tight.

An idea came to the wind and it sped away, moving into the forest, at last finding the clearing where Ivy had first fallen.

The wind flew up through the twisted tunnel of trees, all linking together to form a solid tree trunk. The air grew damp and dark, but as the scent of pumpkins faded, the wind found the curve of the door.

Or, where the door would be. But the knob had vanished.

The wind slammed against the smooth wood in frustration, but it was no use. The door had disappeared.

Undeterred, the wind shot though the hollow branches of the tree, growing smaller and smaller until only a wisp of a breeze came through a knot in the tree's wood.

The wind weakly circled the tree before ghosting along the forest floor, slowly growing stronger as it reached the edges of Sindelfingen, Stuttgart.

It was far colder above than it was in Halloween Town, and as the wind's power grew, the human pulled their coats close against the bite.

The wind wasn't exactly sure what its intent was, but nevertheless roamed the streets, flitting over a kindergarten, scattering leaves at the children, before a familiar sound floated through the air-wheels against stone.

The wind picked up speed and raced towards it, coming out onto a large outdoor park, filled with human on the same boards as Ivy rode. The wind noted helmets and other protection that Ivy never wore, giving an invisible sigh as one girl wiped out, crashing onto a set of rails before shaking her head and trying again.

The opening is shut, the wind breathed to the invisible humans. How can Ivy-

"You think Kunze will be back soon?" A boy who looked slightly older than Ivy asked.

"You know how she gets," another boy replied, unbuckling his helmet and wiping his forehead. "This is a new record, though. It's been almost a month."

The wind's growing rage at the nonchalant attitude of the humans faded into confusion. Ivy had been in town perhaps a week and a half, but certainly not a month!

"Hast du Tomaten auf den Augen?" The first boy scoffed. "Ever since the Unity Day show she's been out of sorts. I texted her on Halloween to see if she was going to the base or coming with us, but she didn't answer."

"I wouldn't blame her if she did go," the other admitted. "Americans have Süßes oder Saures down cold."

A girl walked past the two, causing the boys to snicker. The girl halted and fixed the two with a glare. "She's just sulking, as usual, because she couldn't show off."

All three human shuddered as a bitter cold wind blew through the park. The girl with the purple glasses shivered and pulled her jacket close.

"You going to try and take her spot, Abendroth?" The boy taunted.

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