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Hello, everyone. Thank you for tuning in today. Up first, we have the horrible tragedy of a lockdown at East Delavan High School. As you all know, this high school was victim to a fatal lockdown exactly one year ago. Any coincidences as to why, one year later, another lockdown occurred? Here's another strange coincidence - this lockdown started at 12:21pm, just as it did last year. Officials are not sure as to why everything turned up as it is, but there only seems to be one casualty. We're hearing that gunshots indeed were fired, but only one person was dead. Reports are coming in quickly, and it appaears that the person who died was a prominent police officer. In fact, this police officer is the father of a surviving victim of the lockdown last year. Any more coincidences? Officials are not releasing the name of this person, they are only saying that he has been the only death. The lockdown lasted very briefly, and the students are being escorted home by police officers. We will update you more as the hour continues... Sorry... Ladies and gentlemen, this information is just coming in. I am allowed to tell you all who the shooter was, they're letting me release his name... Wait, her name. The shooter, and the killer of that police officer is a girl, everybody. And apparently she is going into custody now, or so we believe. We are not entirely sure if she was even caught, but they're saying that they have her detained. Anyway, the moment of truth. Her name is Rylie Clover."

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